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Guest Poet

chicken run herb garden

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just planted some herb and salad leaf seeds. Wanted them near the back door so I could just pop out and pick them but didn't want them at ground level where slugs and chooks could decimate them so..................


Here is our chicken run/herb garden! :lol:







got some sweet basil, rocket, stir fry leaves and salad leaves in the baskets. Got room for another basket so just deciding what to put in it. We already have mint, oregano, coriander, flat leaf parsley, thyme, rosemary and sage up the far end of the garden in pots behind the fence where the girls can't get to them.


Any ideas what I can put in my extra basket?

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Just to warn you poet, I had some higher up like that on my run and my white star and amber star just flew up and helped themselves :x Now they are safe from the girls at the top of 6 foot posts! :lol::lol:


when the girls are out, I sit with them so i can watch for that but TBH, with them being ex batts, they possibly won't be that agile. Famous last words maybe but I can keep an eye on them ;)

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They look great


I know you've already got thyme but I can recommend lemon and blackcurrant thyme. They smell wonderful. Or if you have enough herbs how about hanging strawberries or tomatoes for a bit of colour


thanks :D


DH bought those baskets for his toms but I pinched them :oops: He's getting some more and they're going at the end of the garden. We've got strawbs down the bottom end too.


i like the sound of those thymes though :think:

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I've got a citrus thyme, it smells divine. My curry plant smells fab too, I wouldn't have bought that but it was in a multipack of 6 different herbs from the garden centre. I did strawberries and cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets last year, I won't be doing it again this year, too much watering.


The only herb I've found the chooks leave alone is sage. (Am I the only one who finds that ironic?)

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Love the baskets, Poet! They mightn't be safe from my lot, though - I can't believe how high a pekin can fly on those stubby little wings! I made the mistake of leaving my new oregano plant where the girls could get at it, and came back to find it had had a "trim" :roll:


Another herb to try sometime would be Thai basil - I'm growing five different varieties of basil this year :oops:

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Lemon balm , for lemon tea? The smell is gorgeous. I am sharing my herbs with my chooks - we have fenced off our veg patch and have put the herbs there too , but I leave some poking through the fence so that they can have a nibble but can't decimate them. They are in pots (the herbs , not the chickens :lol: ) so I can turn them round to get that evenly trimmed look.....I don't know what the neighbours think about me feeding them sage though (sage & onion stuffing anyone? :shock: ).

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thanks peeps, I keep changing my mind! We got some free wild strawbs from a lady on freecycle and she also gave us some empty egg boxes and a lemon balm plant to boot! The lemon balm is also in our mini allotment at the bottom of the garden.


Might try another Basil variety as I make my own bolognese sauce and pizzas and basil would be lovely in/on those.

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