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off to see our friends again.... River Cottage BABY!

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Oh well, the time has come, AGAIN, for us to pack up and head down down down to river cottage!


This time theres a whole gaggle of us going, should be VVVVVVV FUN!!!!


Ive just rented a fishing cottage for the week aswell! SO excited.


Luckily, its costing nothing, and theres loads of us going so any cost should get cut .



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Give Hugh a huge hug from us! (or just from me, I don't mind! :oops: )


He looks the huggable type :lol:




I will do. Althogh seth normally gets all the hugs from there, especially from one girl in particular.


We are also now booked in for a Wine Course, great for me :roll: I dont drink a drop. Oh and im now told, a Cider tasting course!

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Hi Fairy&cake


I hope you had a great time at RC


We are booked to go in August, any tips on how to make the best of the time there? What would you recommend doing or seeing whilst there?


Pics of your trip would be great to see :D

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