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Total respect for the chicken ...

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Hi All,


Just wanted to say that I've had my chooks for 3 weeks now and they have just started laying.


OK, so maybe I am a complete saddo ... but I am just overwhelmed by these perfect little eggs I find in my Eglu nesting box .... I can't believe how much I have always taken eggs for granted when buying them from the supermarket .... thought nothing of the chickens that have laid them .... and now they are laid freshly for me, they seem so precious ... just like little miracles ... :D


It has made me realise just how much respect a chicken deserves ...


So let's hear it for all those wonderful chooks out there .... WELL DONE GIRLS!!!! :lol::lol:

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Only this weekend my OH, who reluctantly agreed to go along with my crack-pot idea to get chickens, remarked how "privileged" he felt to be eating eggs from our very own chickens! :D I did say at the time, that is was a pity they didn't lay first thing in the morning so we could have omlets, "straight from the chickens backside"! :oops: He said he was quite glad they layed in the afternoon!!! :lol:

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I was similarly overwhelmed when we had our first egg, I just couldn't believe how perfect it was and how clever Delilah was for laying it.


All three of mine are laying now, and I always thank them when I find an egg. The eggs are easy to tell apart so I can be sure I'm thanking the right chicken.


Even now, especially when I look at Lydia's eggs as they are tiny and so amazingly smooth, I feel that "miracle" feeling welling up.

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I say "Good morning girls", "hello beautiful" "clever chickens" and "goodnight girls" I talk to them all the time. When I see a slug I go "look, look, look" and they come running to see what I have. So cute.

I had frittata tonight. I stroked the eggs before I cracked them, I made my friend feel how smooth the shell was. (she already knows I'm a crazychickenlady). They do seem smoother than the ones you buy in the shops, and they are so perfect.

I love my chickens, and they do talk back sometimes!

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I love finding the eggs, Saffy had stopped laying for the last 2 months but has grown all her feathers back now and started again 3 days ago, i really missed not having any eggs, my 3 new girls are too young yet, I always say thanks to them. The neighbours know I'm mad

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