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Driving test theory

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I have been to take my stepdaughter for her driving theory test today to our nearest test centre in Stoke on Trent.


We set off with an hour and a half to go as I didnt know where I was going. I got 2 lots of maps off the internet and both of these gave a different route. Also my husband gave me another conflicting route, so I guess I was on a loser!! :cry:


After many wrong turnings and stopping for directions three times we managed to find it with half an hour to spare. :D


SHE PASSED!! :dance:


I am so chuffed for her. She has got dispraxia and she struggles with distance perception, coordination eyesight etc...


Her first instructor said she would never make a driver. We got her a new lady instructor and she is doing really well and is nearly ready for her test.


So pleased for her that she has got passed the first hurdle.

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Wow that's great news!!


Congratulations for your daughter on passing her theory!!!


The first big hurdle is over and done with. To be honest it's probably the hardest part as well.


Driving itself is the easy bit!! :lol:

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Congratulations to your step daughter............ :)


I am just about to book my sons theory test, he is 17 next Thursday and is desperate to learn to drive...........I hope i don't have to go to Stoke on Trent for the test I thought there was a centre in Runcorn........Just off to have a look... :?

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Congratulations to your Step Daughter :D



I am just about to book my sons theory test, he is 17 next Thursday and is desperate to learn to drive...........:?


Jack is 17 next Friday :D He is this very moment filling out his driving license application form and has just asked for a cheque for £50 :shock:

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My friend took her test last year. She borrowed a practice CD, and asked if she could run it on my computer as it wouldn't work on her Mac. She did the first one and announced with dismay 'I failed'.


I then had to point out that the three questions she'd got wrong were the ones I had confidently answered (driving for 20+ years!) :oops::oops:


I salute anyone who passes the theory test, it is a lot more difficult than I'd been led to believe from the newspaper reports!

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Congratulations to your Step Daughter :D



I am just about to book my sons theory test, he is 17 next Thursday and is desperate to learn to drive...........:?


Jack is 17 next Friday :D He is this very moment filling out his driving license application form and has just asked for a cheque for £50 :shock:


I forewarn you now. Its a very expensive journey, and once you are in.....


Amy wants to go to uni in September so we would like her to pass before she goes as I dont think when she gets she will be able to have lessons as she wont be here very much and Im not sure we can afford them with the costs of her being at uni.


At the moment to hurry things along she is on 2 lessons a week.

This costs £44.00 a week :shock:


I have no money :roll:

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My son Tom is 17 on Sunday - 1st driving lesson Monday - god help us all!! He had a practice drive around Brands Hatch racing track. I think it is called Young Drivers. My cousin is a driving instructor and took him round. She said he was a natural. Now he thinks its going to be easy peasy when he goes out.


Unfortunately my cousin has moved so no discount on driving lessons!

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My son wanted one of those intensive courses but we have managed to get him down to 2 lessons as week. He will hand over a cheque for £178 (you get a discount if you pay in advance). It doesn't appear to have gone up much since my daughter learnt to drive 3 years ago. It is the insurance that gets you though...... :(

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My eldest son (26) passed his theory and practical driving test a few weeks ago :) I was shocked at how expensive the whole process was. DH and I gave him driving lessons for both his b.day and Christmas, but the cost of the

tests, and he had to 'hire' the driving schools car for the test , came to nearly £200 :shock: He's managed to get a really cheap insurance deal on his g.friends insurance though. I don't know how they think young people can afford the luxury of passing the test.



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I can't believe some of these prices :shock: , but to be fair, it has always been expensive hasn't it?

I remember (hang on, just getting my pipe and slippers out) that driving lessons were £8.50 an hour for me, and I earnt £9 for working in a shop on a Saturday. Neither of my parents drive, so I had to learn everything with an instructor.


My first car cost me £180 and the first year's insurance (3rd party, fire and theft) cost £220. :lol: More than the value of the car!


I am never sure about the learning to drive before uni/after uni debate...

I learnt before going away, but took my old banger with me to London, and drove all the time.

A friend of mine passed his test before going, then didn't drive for the intervening 6 years. By the time he got back behind the wheel he was a shocking driver, had no confidence and has never driven since... His insurance no doubt, would be cheap now though :shock::lol: I however, would NOT get in any car he was driving....


My niece never learnt before going away, but now she is coming to an end of her course, she is having intensive lessons ready for when she starts work.


Anyway, congratulations on the passing of the theory test. I would not like to take it....

I also have a friend with a boy who is very dyspraxic (went to a special school because of it), and he took to driving like a proverbial duck... :D

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I remember (hang on, just getting my pipe and slippers out) that driving lessons were £8.50 an hour for me, and I earnt £9 for working in a shop on a Saturday. Neither of my parents drive, so I had to learn everything with an instructor.


It was a much more casual affair when I took my test back in the 'olden' days :roll: My then b.friend taught me to drive, the Highway Code was a thin little booklet which took 15 minutes to commit to heart :) passed the test first time when I was 17 and three months, but then so did all my friends, you had to be a real numpty to fail in those days :) I remember the first thing I did after my test was drive my mum down the M2 for tea and cake in a Service Station.Aaaaagh those were the days.



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Jack is getting his license and a few lessons for his Birthday, my mum is buying him Birthday lessons too. Lessons cost about £27.00 up here.


I worry that Jack will have it easy up here as there is not the volume of traffic. I would like him to go to Glasgow or Edinburgh to experience proper traffic :lol:

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Well congrats for the Theory Test past :D


I remember when I learned to drive, it cost me £30.00 an hour (with BSM) and my lessons were 2 hour sessions once a week. I bought my first car for £50 from a neighbour, got it taxed Mot'd and ready for the road, the insurance was £752 for third party fire and theft. How I afforded it I'll never know, as I was only earning £350 a month full time :( First test failed, but kept learning in my own car every night with my best friend, well just slapped the L plates on and away we were each night :lol: and passed a few months later.


Best bit of independence I ever got :D




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How can 17 year olds afford to have lessons these days? I'm busy saving and I have a husband with a decent fulltime job. Its over £40 for two hours though and you can't just have an hour because you don't get to a town in that time. One day oh one day I will learn to drive but the price seems to go up faster than I can get money together. Maybe people get more spent on them for birthdays etc than they do in my family. Two lessons would be more than the cost of a normal present here and thats not enough to learn.

Sorry I sound really bitter don't I? I don't mean to be its just upsetting as I am very much stuck in the village and reliant on dh which is even worse as he can use it against me.

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How can 17 year olds afford to have lessons these days?


Their parents pay for them :roll: Bron it must be horrible to be stuck in a rural location unable to escape :( Do you have a friend/relative who could start to take you through the basics of driving? I think 50% of passing the driving test is showing confidence behind the wheel, the more practice you get the more confident you appear.



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