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My Week - it can only get better !

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Monday - The Washing machine blew up - now have damp dirty washing in a black bag ! :(

Tuesday - Cannot find receipt for said washing machine, (but as I have the instruction book they will honour the 5 year parts warranty - expect a £96 bill for labour) Machine is only (exactly) 2 years old :? Kettle blows up

Wednesday - Smell of damp dirty washing is not a smell that Johnson & Johnson are expected to take up. Wii ceases to function - no power - have got receipt but too late to phone to sort out.

Thursday - Dash has a prolapse. Rushing around before work to "sort her out". She is very very peaky, cleaned her up and removed the softy that was mostly out ! :vom: . Hubby to keep an eye on her all day, her best friend Dot is really worried, she is just following her around.


I have a 2 hour meeting across town, which is bound to bore the pants off ! and I forgot to leave the kids the money to pay for their hair cut tonight !


My PMT has subsided/develeoped into full blown tears.....I think I need a holiday (but wouldn't go because of Dash !)


Anybody got any hugs ?

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Oh you poor thing, what a terrible time. Hope you little chook is better soon.


It's just the pits when appliances break down, especially a washing machine - when you have a family you rely on it so much.


Have a virtual hug from me and have a glass or two of wine tonight. It won't fix anything, but you won't care so much!

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I was going to say "look on the positive side - you should be congratulating yourself on how well you coped with each crisis and you can now pass on your knowledge of prolapses to other chicken owners" - but to hell with that I'll just send big hugs instead and a bottle of wine :D



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Daughter sent home from school ill

Meeting was 3 hours not 2 and was a blast (not!)

The Washing machine is repaired.

Dash is a little perkier, having spent the morning in the utility room and is now having a good old barge at the new hens.


Things are looking up !!!!

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as sure as "eggs is eggs" if one appliance goes wrong another 2 appliances will join it! :roll:


sorry about the time you are having, and hope Dash gets over her prolapse.


I find sitting in the sunshine watching my girls for half an hour or so eases my stresses! :D

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