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The Dogmother

Queuing chickens!

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My chickens made me laugh at lunchtime... Usually they are happy to double up on the nest if more than one of them wants to lay at the same time, but today I spotted a queue from the house and went down to investigate.


There was Fleur (nest hogger par extraordinaire) on the nest, obviously laying, but also trying desperately to tuck 3 eggs underneath her tiny tummy. Ruby was perched on the edge of the nestbox, trying to lay on top of Fleur. Roxanne was pacing about at the back of the eglu waiting for some space and Lavinia was outside, in the run, with her legs crossed and squawking like mad! It's very unusual for this to happen, but they are such funny girls. What's the betting that I get home tonight to find that one of them has laid in the run?

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I had wondered whether any of them might consider laying in the dustbath - they have a big old enamel bowl with handles in their run, full of soil and ash for them to dustbathe in, but they prefer to lay in the privacy of the nestbox, like the good girls they are... it just gets a tad crowded on the odd occasion!

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My girls are just the same! They have nest boxes in the Cube and in the Eglu, and I have made a few extra ones myself which they steadfastly ignore, and 14 out of the 16 of them will only lay in the Eglu. The only 2 who will lay in the Cube are my tiny Sebrights, whilst the others are piled on top of each other or queuing to get in the Eglu. Yesterday, when I looked in the nest box, I saw what appeared to be one large Pepperpot body with 2 heads - on closer examination I found a Buff Sussex bantam under the wing of the Pepperpot. They really are so funny!

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I made extra nest boxes and they just don't get used!


I can't understand why, I made it the same as another nest box I bought online that they started using within half an hour :shock:

I keep putting a hen in there every so often so that they can check it out.........made no difference.


They are so fussy :roll::roll:


I guess they will have to keep waiting their turn.

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