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Chicken Licken

Meet the new girls

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Here are the new girls Primrose and Barry. They are settling in well. Fenny is letting Primrose know she is at the bottom of the pecking order by chasing her around - so Fenny is in the gardent and the new girls are enjoying a free range. Primrose is the speckeldy and Barry is a Bovans Nera (without many tail feathers).

They have both let me pick them up for a bit of a stroke and Barry will eat from my hand already. Primrose is a bit more flighty.


Aren't they beautiful


newhens002.jpg Fenny in the back garden

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Barry was picked from the hen place because she was too slow to get away. I really wanted 2 speckledys, but they were very flighty and not easily caught. Anyway Barry didn't put much effort into running away and let herself be caught and put into the box.


We used to have a friend who was a little overweight and slow who managed to make a very good living by looking busy with a clipboard under one arm - He too would have been too slow to run away. Barry just seemed the perfect namesake and it suits her.


This afternoon I was sat leaning on the eglu supervising some chicken free ranging and primrose jumped up on my lap for a cuddle, tucked in uder my arm out of the wind and purred. It also put Fenny back into her place as she is not light enough to make it up onto the eglu so easily - what a lovely moment - a chicken who chooses to come for a cuddle and a bit of love especially as she is being picked on a bit by Fenny

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One of my little chickens is called Bobbie. I know it's a boys name but it suited her, so I spelt it with an 'ie' at the end to make it more girly.


Someone on here has a chicken called Dave!!


Your new girls are gorgeous. How lovely to have one so tame and up for a cuddle already! :lol:

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