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Guest Poet

Dairy Milk ad

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I love the new Dairy Milk ad, with all the airport vehicles racing each other, very funny and you can't go wrong with a bit of Queen! :lol:


Oh, was it for Dairy Milk? :oops: I've heard it and always sing along, but never twigged what it was advertising! :lol:

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they've hired a new ad firm?
Nope, same firm. It says on the net "from the people who brought you the drumming gorilla"


taking that quote out of context totally changes the meaning of what I wrote. Perhaps you should be a journalist :think:

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Thank you all, must admit I'm rather proud of him! :oops: He just needs to make it pay now :lol:


And as for the noise - now you know why my neighbours don't complain about the chickens :twisted::wink:


Poet, I misread your comment as well, I would have made the same mistake Fred did :oops: I've just re read it and understand now :lol:

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Wow snowy, hes gooood!! 8)

You must be a very patient mother.


My kids all play, (piano, clarinet and sax) and o/h is a gutarist.

I think you switch off and become immune after a bit. Think I have become a bit deaf! Not sure I fancy a drummer in the house though.


o/h's brother is the drummer of the familly (different house, YAY!!)

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Wow snowy, hes gooood!! 8)

You must be a very patient mother.


My kids all play, (piano, clarinet and sax) and o/h is a gutarist.

I think you switch off and become immune after a bit. Think I have become a bit deaf! Not sure I fancy a drummer in the house though.


o/h's brother is the drummer of the familly (different house, YAY!!)


It depends what he's drumming to! On a good day it's like having my own personal rock group in the house, great to do housework to :lol:

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