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Yeah!!!! They are here :)

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They arrived at 1.15 this afternoon (was given a time of between 3 and 5 so very pleased they were early)!


They seem to be settling in nicely - a lot of clucking and fussing at first, probably due to my cat Tiggy loitering around - but now they are bokking gently to themselves. Have just given them a treat of some raisins with some cabbage leaves due to come later.


Am so excited still!! Am on egg tenterhooks now, though the nice guy from Omlet said it would probably be 4-5 weeks. Their combs are still very much small and pink so will be on CombWatch for a few days now, on the lookout for changes!


So happy to be a chicken owner now, a little nervous about the responsibility too though I am sure everything will be fine. Have bought just about every kind of powder, food additive and treat under the sun for them so I'm sure I am prepared for every eventuality :)


Anyway, piccie of the Ladies can be seen at http://www.kimmibsworld.blogspot.com (Zelda in black, Peach and Daisy are the Ginger Twins).

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Welcome to the forum Kimmi_B and congratulations on your new arrivals. Not only will they keep you amused for hours but they are also very generous with their eggs :D


I've only had my chickens for 4 weeks and so far so good. No need to feel worried or nervous because you will get lots of good advice from this forum to help you.


Enjoy :D

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