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Feeling proud - she's on a roll...

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I was talking to Suki (she's 8 ), about picking up our ex-batts on the day after tomorrow, and was explaining a bit more to her about the work of the BHWT, and telling her that we are expected to give a donation when getting the chickens. I was also telling her about the 50p amount, and how I'd give more, as extra help for the charity and their work...

I then asked her if, as the chooks are hers and she chose to get ex-batts this time, she'd like to take some of her own saved up money to give too...


And she said 'Oh yes, I will give ten pounds to help the chickens'...


She was just counting her money now (mum and dad gave the girls some money when we went to see them at the weekend), and came to hand me 15 pounds to give to the BHWT on Saturday...


I'm very proud of her... :)

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AAaaaaaah bless, well tell her if its of any interest that some chirpy chook'keeper on the omlet forum is very proud of her too, what a lovely generous gift & kind heart -may all qualities return & be shown to her tenfold . . perhaps you lead by example - you sound very bighearted too


Ms Tilyonedaywillhaveexbattsuntilthenwilljustadmireallyouguyswholookafterthemsowell

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what a generous young lady :clap:, any chance we could have a photo of her with the girls when you get them? i'd understand if you didn't want to though.

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Thank you so much everybody for your kind words about her... to be honest after posting I suddenly had doubts, wondering whether I was really, really boasting... but then I guess there was reason to feel proud of her...


I'd love to say she takes after me, but then who would DD1 and DD3 take after?? Getting them to give or share anything with anyone is quite a challenge!!


I'll post pics of the girls and Suki in the gallery once they're here and settled... I've had a pic of her as my avatar before, so it's no problem... she's still at an age when she is always with me or another responsible adult, and her interactions with people are fully supervised, so I don't worry about putting a picture of her on a forum like this one...


She's at school now, then going for a sleep over at her friend's house, from which I'm picking her up tomorrow to go to pick the chooks... so next time she steps into this house, she'll have promoted from being a 'two chickens owner' to a 'five chickens owner'...


She spent yesterday evening preparing the eglu... it's all looking nice and cosy... I'm getting very excited about this all... :)

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Suki told everyone at school today about her new chooks... and distributed bhwt leaflets we were given on Saturday, to any of her friend that were interested to hear about it!! Her teacher asked her if she could bring pictures of the chickens tomorrow, so I'm going to pring some!!


I was wondering about the eggs used at school.... would they be free-range?? As Suki and I both feel now strongly about this, I thought we could ask, and if the answer is no, go to see the headmistress about it, armed with our brochure and pics of our ex batts and for comparison pics of our omlets...


Would that be appropriate? I'd help Suki to put her thoughts and speech together nicely, but I can't help feeling that she shouldn't eat the eggs at school if they're not free range (omelette is her favourite school lunch!!). I don't want to appear as though I am manipulating my daughter... these are her thoughts too, she chose to get ex batts and to talk to her friends about it...

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