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I dreamed I dwelled in marble eglus ...

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A bit derivative this but while out with the dog yesterday afternoon, it occurred to me that the eglu might have Tardis and Narnia-wardrobe properties. You know when you go out in the evening to close the eglu door, and you open the egg port to say goodnight, and in the dusk perhaps you can just see the outline of a sleepy chook's beak.


Well, it seemed to me that as soon as you close the egg port door, the interior of the eglu suddenly fills with the light of thousands of candles placed in sconces high on the walls of what is now a vast vaulted hall with a trompe d'oeil ceiling supported by columns of Galway marble, where hundreds of hens dance the pasa doble til dawn, sashaying up and down, swirling their frilly bloomers, to music provided by a tootling band. Through the massive open doors you can see the colours of a Tuscan landscape and a garden filled with everything a chicken could want to eat - and self-replenishing green lawns.


I wish I could paint it for you. :wink:

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what a lovely thought and you describe it so beautifully im almost there! :D


Im sure my rowdy lot have nothing like yours though - mine more than likely have a bar, glitter ball, smoke machine, resident DJ, and a view of a keebab shop!! :lol: (noisy chookies who stay up all night here :lol: )

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A bit derivative this but while out with the dog yesterday afternoon, it occurred to me that the eglu might have Tardis and Narnia-wardrobe properties. You know when you go out in the evening to close the eglu door, and you open the egg port to say goodnight, and in the dusk perhaps you can just see the outline of a sleepy chook's beak.


Well, it seemed to me that as soon as you close the egg port door, the interior of the eglu suddenly fills with the light of thousands of candles placed in sconces high on the walls of what is now a vast vaulted hall with a trompe d'oeil ceiling supported by columns of Galway marble, where hundreds of hens dance the pasa doble til dawn, sashaying up and down, swirling their frilly bloomers, to music provided by a tootling band. Through the massive open doors you can see the colours of a Tuscan landscape and a garden filled with everything a chicken could want to eat - and self-replenishing green lawns.


I wish I could paint it for you. :wink:


I'll have a pint of what you've had!! :lol:


Mrs B

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