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Infrared Night Vision cam

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Hi ya,


Well www.chookcam.co.uk has gone another better and got infrared night vison eglucam!! It's not on the internet only on our t.v. at the moment, but hope to load it on soon. Anyway, it's brill, so so funny we can hear and see them clucking and fidgeting around. Rosie settled down and put her head under her wing bless. It's made us realise that we couldn't get another hen in their as Pecky is quite a big girl and takes up a bit of room. They all got enough space though. Very funny to see, well worth doing, cam was only £39.99 from Amazon, really easy to set up. The company on Amazon was called Riccodigital, was a good service.


We've been laughing our socks off! :lol::lol:

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Oh yeah Chelsea you got one, I couldn't remember who on here had taken the plunge with it.


Well worth it.


We bought this one for my mum in law's bird box and we are just testing it out. But would be interested to know which one you have is this one does have a bit of interference on it, i.e. near the phone cables. Also where in the eglu did you position yours?


We are definately gonna get one for keeps though.


Thanks Chelsea.

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yes we do have interference :( sometimes its a brillant picture and sometimes fuzzy. We have the cube and as you look in the door of the cube we have it right at the back on the left hand side of the cube, we can view the entrance, part of the roosting bars and part of the nesting box (as one chook likes to sleep in the nestbox) OH has made a "makeshift" block for it to stand on at the moment as we find a better picture when it is placed up higher.


Im sure we will do a bit more tweaking!


Have fun with yours - bargain price by the way :wink:

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Hi Pam,


It's TechnoMan Here, :lol:


The camera I bought is from Amazon, see link below:-




This is a dead simple camera. The camera is so small and lightweight that I have actually managed to bluetak mine in the top corner of the Eglu. It has a power lead coming from it that you plug in to a small cable that caonnects to a battery (one of the sqaure ones that you would use in a smoke detector). Or you can plug in the end of the power cable from the supplied power adapter which you can plug into a plug socket, maybe your garage if it is close by like mine is. Not sure how long the batteries will last.


the second and final part is to connect the other part of the system to the TV. Tis is a small silver metal box with an antenna. It also has a power supply that you plug in plus an audio/video cable. This is dead simple, as the cable has just a yelllow and red plug end which match the colours on your TVs Audio/Video input.


Its then just a case of turning the tuning in wheel on the back of the TV unit box until you see a picture. Oh and you need to set your TV to the correct AV/Ext channel, but thats as easy as just trying each one until you see the chooks on screen.


the camera was £39. Now and again you will get a bit of interference and especially if you are on a wireless handsfree phone near the TV unit. But hey ho, I guess you have to expect that a bit with something at this price point and wireless.


I hope that helps.

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Bought one of these and installed it last night - many thanks to Cluckbok and TechnoMan !


Marvellous device and with sound too so could hear the girls bokking quietly in bed. Just need to move it a bit for tonight - once Gucci went to bed all I got was a view of her bum :roll:

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- once Gucci went to bed all I got was a view of her bum :roll:


yes this happens very often here!! :lol:


yesterday was very amusing. My 2 cochins are broody and were camped out in the nestbox. Big ole gal Ella decides she wants to lay an !egg! - instead of waiting for them to get out she literally dive bombed on top both of them :shock: , then wriggled her bum and pushed them out with all her might!! :lol: all captured on camera, brilliant.

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we have 2 camera's on our girls they are so funny to watch, we have wireless baby monitor type tv in the lounge and one camera facing the nesting box in the coop so we can see who lays what... where... and when... and one at the opposite side of the garden to the run so we can watch the full run while they are in it, it switches from one screen to the other every 45 seconds so we can watch both places all day, it is so easy to use and such fun when OH bought a cable to connect it to our 45"wall mounted flat screen tv...lol it looks like a giant chuck film/ framed moving photo.... I would recommend it to everyone, of course watching them settle down for sleep in the dark is awesome and hearing the little bok bok's as they settle down is lovely...

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I would recommend it to everyone, of course watching them settle down for sleep in the dark is awesome and hearing the little bok bok's as they settle down is lovely...


An absoulte joy isnt it?? I also managed to watch Gucci while she was laying an egg yesterday - all the cute noises she was making were fascinating and watching her throw straw over herself - brilliant.

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yes, thats how we watched all the hens lay their first egg, with hen cam on nesting box as they laid we went down and collected them and named timed dated each one we gathered all the 1st eggs and have blown them and painted them....to keep forever!

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