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Double yolker!!

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Sage my Pepperpot started laying on tuesday albeit a small one,but an egg all the same.Wednesday however,she laid a much bigger one-not quite a large,but neither medium.


When i went to cook it for my mum earlier along with chips & peas-it was a double yolker!!! I've never ever had one or even seen one for that matter so came as a complete shock considering we were chatting about this at work other day. :D


My mum had the honour! :lol:




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Sage my Pepperpot started laying on tuesday albeit a small one,but an egg all the same.Wednesday however,she laid a much bigger one-not quite a large,but neither medium.


When i went to cook it for my mum earlier along with chips & peas-it was a double yolker!!! I've never ever had one or even seen one for that matter so came as a complete shock considering we were chatting about this at work other day. :D


Our Krasi started laying on Tuesday as well. Her 3rd egg on Thursday was 59g and a double-yolker :!: It was a lovely surprise. Haven';t seen these since we were kids :D It went in Fur's omlette yesterday :D


Krasi's laid 6 eggs in 6 days (including the one soft shell yesterday) Not a bad start.


Hope your mum enjoyed it :P

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One of ours used to lay a double yolker every other day when she first started. They are great aren't they?


After a week or two, she replaced the double yolkers with two soft eggs and now she lays large 80g+ single yolkers - whoppers compared with the eggs we get from the others. I guess her teenage hormones are settling down,


We are still waiting for two to come into lay so maybe we'll see the double yolkers again.

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