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How soon can you eat an egg?

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Off topic I know, but I just noticed that one of your hens is called Leia... :D

That's now all my kids having some 'name twin' hen out there... well Indiana has a name twin cockerel... My eldest two have chickens named like them, and we were missing a Leia...


Are these your first eggs? When we got our first, we soft boiled it and shared it between five of us (would have been six if Leia had been old enough to eat some too but back then she was still a baby).


Enjoy your eggs, how will you cook them? :)


PS : Sorry, just noticed your other thread, about first egg... makes my question about it redundant... :oops:

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Hi Ziggy :D


My son, Christian who is only 7 named his chicken Princess Leia after the Star Wars character...very clever as she will be a 'layer' one day...hopefully :wink: Is you daughter's name pronouced Leea or Layer?


Cleopatra's 1st 3 eggs weighed 37, 38 and 41gms but Fifi's 1st egg which arrived today weighed 58gms. Hopefully we will have 6 by tomorrow so we can all have one each with our dinner tomorrow :D I am planning to poach the eggs and put them on top of our chorizo and couscous...yum :D


I don't think my childen will have 'twin' chicken names cos two of our boys are named Matthew (Matt) and James and our daughter is named Ellin.


Very best wishes...

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DD1, aged 9 at the time, named DD4, also after Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies, and we pronounce it as in the movie, though many people pronounce it Leeia...

My first reaction when she suggested Leia as a name was 'not over my dead body'... all I could picture in my head was the bun hairstyle.... but after repeating the name for a while I really liked it...


We have Jenny, Suki, Indiana and Leia... wasn't surprised to find a Jenny hen, but Suki came more as a surpise, and so did Indiana the cockerel... thanks to your son we now have the lot... (there was apparently a Princess Layer and Hen Solo before, but this is the full correct spelling)...




Sounds like a yummy way to eat your eggs... I hope you enjoy them thoroughly.

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YAY...so happy your daughter is named after the Star Wars character...I thought maybe it was a name from foreign parts...as it sounds exotic . Well done DD1!


I love the name Jenny and it was in my top 3 names when we found out we were expecting a daughter...at last :D We eventually decided on Ellin...it is a combination of two grandmas names 'Ell' (Ellen) and 'in' (Win(ifred)...although we've since found out it is a name in it's own right too...more American (Irving Berlin's 2nd wife I believe was named Ellin) than English...it is also a Welsh form of Helen if spelt with one l.


A little bit of trivia to keep you going...tee, hee, hee!


Enjoy your day

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