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Guest Penguinmad

ONE Day left

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In the job I hate!


To put the icing on the cake today I realised this morning that a bag I had put in my classroom at the end of the day Friday was missing. I put it there during the last lesson of the day and I'm fussy about locking the door at the end of the day. I arrived to find the door locked this morning but this bag was missing.


It contained a load of paperwork from the moderation I did on Friday, some unmarked coursework and a load of stuff from the exam board. AND, right at the top of the bag I had put my school laptop. So I've lost a load of documents which I would have been copying off there today and tomorrow, important paperwork, a couple of bits of unmarked coursework and the school has lost a (rather dodgy) laptop. I feel I look like a right muppet but I honestly don't know what I could have done to avoid this - normally I just leave the laptop on the desk! Oh and it was one of my good Waitrose bags (the scan and check ones) and it also contained my lovely Amazon plastic coffee beaker with lid which I've had for about 10 years.


I'll not be sad to give my leaving speech tomorrow (yes after one year I have to give a speech!). I'm thinking how can I top the guy who left my department last year after one year who allegedly said "The head said if I didn't like it here I should get another job - so I did".


How about "So long and thanks for all the fish" It's rather how I feel about that place!

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I think I'm gonna go with gushy


Not going with a memory stick though I have a TERRIBLE track record with them, I only have to look at them to kill them.


BUT you reminded me to put my portable hard disk out to take in and get copies of all my stuff off the network drive. Thanks :lol:

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It went very well. I left before the longer speeches as I had to pick James up and it wasn't very well organised time wise...


Oddly the technicians found my missing bag, laptop and all. It had been put out with the rubbish so the caretakers had thrown it into a skip then fished out the laptop. It was put out just down the corridor from my LOCKED classroom. The techies are convinced it was a parting shot from my lovely colleagues who have wasted no opportunity to try and drop me in it all year.


Well out of there!

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Glad you are out of there.

Sounds like a dump of a school.

We have a woman at our place who would drop her granny in it if it meant a promotion. The minute she smells someone wanted yto step up the ladder, she goes for their jugular, so to speak. It's not pleasant.

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