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The Ikea game....

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Croydon :D


Can't wait for the Southampton one to open - will be soooo much closer :D:D:D Then I can combine John Lewis and Ikea in one go :wink::wink: and get there in under an hour :D


That is a long way to go for your Ikea fix :shock: Southampton will be much closer for us also. Maybe once it is open we can get together for a meatball lunch :lol::lol:

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My OH hates IKEA. :(


He's convinced that normal people lose the ability to walk / push a trolley in a straight line as soon as they enter the building and turn into gibbering fools that get in his way..... this is all based one one dreadful trip we made to an IKEA on a very busy Saturday where he got so wound up I thought he was going to explode! :lol: Didn't help that the car overheated when we were trying to find a parking space so the the trip was doomed from the start :roll::lol:

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I stood in a queue in Ikea once with a couple of blokes who were over from the Isle of Wight. Their wives had given them a list of things to get and just to make sure they got it right, they had cut out and pasted the pictures of each item from the catalogue. :lol::lol:

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The must have in Ikea is in their food department. It a tetrapack bread mix. :shock: Really weird sounding, I know, but you open the pack, add water, hold the top closed and give it a (very) good shake, then pour it all into a tin and pop it in the oven.


Result: a really nice loaf of dense grainy scandinavian type bread. Very easy, very quick, no sticky bowls to mix up.


I got one as an experiment last time - it sounded so strange, but next time I'm going to pick up several: I think they have quite a good shelf life.

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I go to the Croydon one too, last time I went was with my Mum who, like me, LOVES it. Sadly last time I had eldest daughter and smallest boy who is like the Tasmanian Devil. He had to sit on every sofa, lie on every bed and generally go AGAINST the arrows which meant catching him was a bit of a nightmare :shock:

I've got a child free weekend coming up so........., but then I don't get paid til Monday and there's no point going if you haven't got a little bit of money.

Never tried the meatballs so will try them, and will also buy the bread thing as I'm not sure, apart from the Home Farmer subs, that I have bought any other Omlet "must haves" :lol:

My OH hates everything to do with Ikea. If he knows it's from there that is :lol: last timne I bought a bright red Billy bookcase and 5ft tall paper floor standing lamp that cost £6 which he professed to really like, right up until I told him where they came from :roll:


Mrs B

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Croydon :D


Can't wait for the Southampton one to open - will be soooo much closer :D:D:D Then I can combine John Lewis and Ikea in one go :wink::wink: and get there in under an hour :D


That is a long way to go for your Ikea fix :shock: Southampton will be much closer for us also. Maybe once it is open we can get together for a meatball lunch :lol::lol:


That's a date :wink::D:D

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Phil thinks tha a nice 'trip out' is to go to IKEA for some shopping and stop at the restaurant for something to eat.... sure knows how to show a girl a good time! :roll::roll:


i remember reading a book by a world-class chef (whose name escapes me), and their idea of a perfect meal was ikea meatballs!


you're lucky. my husband refuses to go to ikea :cry:

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We went on Tuesday to get a cupboard door and a bin. We got the door but instead of a bin we got a laundry basket trolley that has two shelves as well. It's to go beside my bed so i can have everything within easy reach. The laundry basket serves as the bin. A bedside cabinet doesn't fit as we had to get a king size bed so i could have an electric bed.


We also got:


A cactus, which we left behind after paying for it :evil:

A ghost-shaped nightlight to add to my collection

A whizzy turntable for DD to sit on and spin in her room

A soft toy (for me :oops: )

Elk salami sausages, so delish

Some fabric from bargain corner


We also went to Costco and stocked up on meat for the freezer, a box of Cadbury Fudge for me :oops: , sweet chilli dipping sauce, popsicles and a remote to switch things off at the plug. This means i don't have to bend to switch things off at the plug which hurts my hips.


Tuesday was expensive :roll:

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I love Ikea. Used to live approx 15 mins drive from the Thurrock store (although that depended a lot on what was going on on the bridge/ tunnel river crossing of course). Anyway, used to be a reasonably regular day out, not usually for anything big, just all those little, inexpensive gadgets and jars, candles, plants and errrm, bits :lol::lol::lol::lol:


No Ikea over here though, there were plans to open one in Auckland but it seems that the council has voted against that, too concerned about traffic congestion :shock: . There is an Ikea in Oz, and they do a mail order service, but it's simply not worth it for all the small items that I used to get.


I'm sorry, but i wasn't really a meatball fan either, although I really liked the lingonberry jelly and dime bars :wink:

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