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The Ikea game....

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I went to Ikea last night to buy one shower curtain but ended up buying...


5 shower curtains (well you never know when one might break :oops: )

5 cat food bowls (the cats needed 3 and I bought 2 as treat bowls for the chickens, they were 9p each!)

3 umbrellas (£1.50 each, one for each of the cars and one chicken one for letting out/bedding chooks in the rain)

3 blue ikea bags (sooo useful)

and a red scrubby kitchen brushy thing for washing the eglu




How many extra things do you end up buying from Ikea :lol:

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When I lived in Saudi, Ikea was one of the morning 'bus trips' out of the compound.


It was normally on the morning schedule at least once a week, the other outings being supermarkets and shopping malls.


Ikea was my favourite - I became the bedding, towels and kitchen implement queen. :lol:


No Swedish meatballs available though. :(

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OH hates Ikea, long story :roll: Anyway they now on-line ordering and Ikea are the only place that I could find a loft bed for DD1 that was in stock (we are doing up her room as a surprise while she is away at camp next week). We are paying £80 postage :shock: However it still works out loads cheaper then any other bed (that is currently out of stock) that we have found :roll:

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I'll let you know when I get back from my trip to Ikea tomorrow :wink::D


This is my shopping list


Shower curtain (actually for a shower) :roll:

A rug for the lobby

a cake stand

4 picture frames

some wicker baskets (for my homemade hampers)


and of course, bags of frozen meatballs, packets of gravy and some jars of lingonberry sauce :D:D

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My local Ikea is a 5 hour drive away. the last time I visited Andy hired a Transit van and we made a day of it. The transit was nearly full when we returned home.


I have an Ikea trip on my to do list when I am in Nottingham next week. It is only a 5 minute drive from my parents house.


I am hoping to get a couple of shower curtains for the chicken runs. Is there anything else I should be looking out for? Not big items though as I have to fit it all in a fiat Panda along with luggage for two and hopefully 4 chickens.

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In our house its James who begs to go to Ikea.


No really!


He LOVES their play place, where there is a giant shoe?!?!?!?!?


I don't mind it cos its free and I get 45 mins of shopping without him - or even longer if you go early evening they let you have an hour if it's before 6pm.


I always buy more than I should but somehow never seem to pay for it (it was Mums daft idea to take out an Ikea card and make me the second cardholder!!!!)


The wierdest thing about it though is James' little joke where he says I want to go to I I I I I I I I I I I Kea


He does stammer but THIS is a joke, sounds very different to when he stammers but has me and the speech therapist stumped as to why he would make such a joke when the stammer actually upsets him and makes him angry (the "naughty words" won't come out!).


Ikea was also one of his very first words - we used to have a little song he made up " Beer, Dear, Ikea"


I'm going now before you lot decide I'm drunk or something.

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Phil thinks tha a nice 'trip out' is to go to IKEA for some shopping and stop at the restaurant for something to eat.... sure knows how to show a girl a good time! :roll::roll:


Think yourself lucky! - I can't even get Carl to go that far!! :lol:


I've never had their meatballs either....... :?

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Oh I've never had their meatballs - something to do with being a vegitarian.


James loves them though!


So thats free play and cheap lunch for him then.

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Any meat eaters who haven;t had the meatballs are missing out,


In July and Aug Ikea family members (A loyalty card thing you can pick up in store) get small meatballs (10) for £1 after 6pm Mon -Fri.


Also Mon - fri Ikea's Family members always get free Tea and coffee.


when we kitted out Ash's room the other week we went for dinner as it cost £3 for 3 of us so we justified spending a little more on cakes! then we picked up the wrong colour for 1 of the units so took it back the following week for meatballs again!


SO in July and Aug anyone who lives near Ikea and likes a bargain or who are budgeting it is not worth putting the oven on for £1!

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Well I'm just back from my Ikea trip - tummy full with meatballs and dime bar cake :drool::drool::wink::lol: and I have to say I think I stuck to my list :shock::shock: (if you don't include the reduced fabric and candles Charlie insisting on buying :wink: )




:oops::oops: Knew I forgot something i bought that wasn't on the list - a large pink flowering plant for the conservatory :D and a fluted flan tin :D That's better.........can't have me going to Ikea and sticking to the list :roll::roll::lol:

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