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Poor Twinkle

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A long time since I posted on here, I have 2 chooks, Twinkle and Geraldine, I've had them since April 2006, with no problems at all, great layers and such fun. About a 3 days ago Twinkle went off her food, and was very lethargic, just standing around closing her eyes, and has gone slowley down hill since then not eating or drinking yesterday or this morning. So I took her to the vet who x rayed her and has said that there is a lot of bits of egg in her reproductive system and that there is very little that can be done for her.... and that she felt that Twinkle was suffering quite a lot, .....so I have made the decision to have her put to sleep by the vet. I can't believe how sudden it has been, and I shall miss her so much, of the 2 of them she is the most confident the one that comes into my kitchen loves to be handled etc. They are my first chickens and have bought so much joy. I am now worried how Geraldine will cope without her friend. :(

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Thank you everyone for your good wishes, I have come home and feel so lost without her, not as lost as her friend Geraldine though, who is wandering round the garden being noisy, I wonder what she will be like tonight when its time for bed, she always took her cue from twinkle, twinkle would go in the eglu to bed and Geraldine always followed about 15 minutes later! I will get more chickens, probably 2 so 1 is not left alone again, I will check out the threads on introducing new chickens and make some preparations to keep them seperate for a while, which is the way to do it isn't it? My 2 came together and I never had any problems with pecking etc, so this will be new to me..

The vet was wonderful by the way, never had to take them before so choosing a vet was completely at random, as the vet we take our dog to said they didn't do chickens, so just looked in yellow pages and they were wonderful

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So sorry to hear about Twinkle but you will have lots of lovely memories of her to make you smile.


If you follow the good advice on this forum about introducing new chickens then all should be well.


It's good you have found a sympathetic vet. It might be worth giving Omlet their name so they can put them on their vet list.


Good luck with your new chickens.

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