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What type of chooks do you have?

What type of chickens do u have?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of chickens do u have?

    • The ones that came with the eglu.
    • Ex-battery hens
    • Bantams

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I've got a PP and a GNR and also a wyandotte/araucana cross and a buff pekin. Never wanted bantams but love the mix and wouldn't change it for the world! 8)


Lottie was given to me by a rather strange man! Anyway she was so badly pecked ( I mean a hole in the head!) on introduction to Harrie and Charlie I had to buy another Eglu and a pal for her. Bloomin' expensive free gift hen but she is lovely and we have her blue eggs as an extra bonus. :D



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I've got:

Sadie, a silver pencilled wyandotte bantam

Ruby, a silver laced wyandotte bantam

Lavinia, a lavender pekin bantam

Lucille, a lemon porcelain Dutch bantam

Fleur, a white Japanese bantam

Dolly, a Poland/Araucana cross, who's not a bantam, but a small hen who lays blue eggs.


Also Layla - in chook heaven


Wouldn't swap them for the world!

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Mine are all hybrids. I have:


GNR Betsy - a monstrously big, fat, bossy Goldline.

(white chicken) Daisy - a dainty white Sussex Star. Currently broody and grumpy.

(Bluebelle) Maud - a big laid-back Bluebelle who digs craters and sits in them all day.

(Bluebelle) Queenie - a beautiful Speckled Star who's always busy scratching around.





Cookie. xx

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My girls are Bantams :D


See below in my signature for their names and breeds.


Bubbles and Buttercup live in the Eglu. The other 4 live in a homemade woodlu.


The woodlu is falling to pieces so this weekend all 6 will living in the Eglu :D as one big happy family :?

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