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We're back from our Italian adventure !!! *now with photos*

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We're back :D .


Had a great time - hotels were all really nice, food good, weather hot but not as hot as usual apparently, bikes were great.


Only downside was the day and night ES and I spent in Perugia hospital :roll::shock: .


We'd had 2 nights & 1 day in Rome, then travelled north (missed our stop - these trains don't wait for long :? ) but managed to get back on another train and got our connection.


Had 2 days cycling which was great - fairly flat apart from two big climbs up to a hilltop town and then to Assisi. Left Assisi on the Sunday, one hour into the cycle, ES's bike stopped dead (wheel must have hit a rut and stuck, we think) and he flew over the handlebars and landed on his head and shoulder :shock: . Nasty gash on the eyebrow, a sore shoulder, and no memory of the accident or where we'd stayed last night :? . A lovely Italian couple stopped to help - his English was perfect which was such a help. Then an oldish guy in a grubby t-shirt came bounding over a field "I'm a doctor" - not a word of English though. Called an ambulance and poor ES was put on a stretcher with a neckbrace. I went with him and the lovely couple drove OH and YS to the hospital (a good 30 mins away). Phoned the cycle tour guy who couldn't have been nicer - he came to collect the bikes, then took the 3 of us to the next hotel so I could shower and pack a back for an o/n stay in the hospital. The hotel gave us a bag with water, juice, fruit, towels, loopaper and crockery/cutlery (hospitals don't provide it :shock: ). Then Giovanni took me back, leaving OH and ES in the hotel. They couldn't give me a bed so I managed to find some blankets and a pillow and had to sleep on the floor :? . "Ooops, word censored!"ody (apart from a nurse in admissions who we never saw again) spoke a word of English so with my dictionary, limited Italian and a lot of pointing and gesturing, we managed to get by.


ES has a broken collarbone "frattura clavicola!" (not too bad though), steri-strips on his eyebrow and some grazing on his back. He was so brave and mature, despite being gutted at missing the rest of the cycling. After a deadly boring night and morning, he was released the next day at midday and we got a taxi to the hotel (£70 :shock: ). OH and YS did the next 2 days cycling, ES and I just took it easy and wandered round the towns, bit boring but no choice really :? .


So all in all, a great holiday apart from that :? .


If anybody you know doesn't wear a bike helmet, tell them that ES would probably have been dead, or requiring brain surgery if he hadn't been wearing his. (He said he'd just thought that morning that he's always worn his helmet but never needed it :roll: .)


Not uploaded our photos yet, but will post some soon :) .

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So glad your boy is now recovering. Bad enough having an adventure like that at home, never mind in a strange environment!


Hope you'll be able to relax a bit now you're at home (with all the washing etc especially when our weather has been so terrible!)



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Blimey ANH...you don't do things by halves!


Good to hear that your ES is recovering. My OS had a frattura clavicola last year...he's 22. I think alcohol might have been involved. :? Youngsters recover quickly thank heaven.


How lovely to hear that there are kind and decent people who will leap to the assistance of strangers.

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I think you coped fantastically well - not sure everyone would have in similar circumstances. Hope you've ALL recovered from what you could only class as a most memorable holiday !! Look forward to the photos - especially if there's a dishy Italiano or two !! :wink:

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:D Good so see you back Vikki :!: Have missed your postings. So sorry 'bout ES, but it looks as if you made the best of it and it's good to know there are decent people around.


All too often we hear only negative stories on the news etc. Having said that....have you all noticed that 'our' forum is [nearly] always a happy and positive one?



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Welcome back. I thought you must have been away by the lack of postings from you.


You missed the Scottish one *here* which I thought you might enjoy.


Glad your YS is OK. Broken collar bones are painful but the young heal quickly. I broke mine aged 5 and the same one again aged 48. The first time took 3 weeks to heal but the 2nd time took months (with the help of a metal plate and 9 screws :roll: )


I bet your Italian has improved no end - well at least the medical terms which hopefully you will never have to use again :D

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Nice to be back - hope you like the photos :D. The family kept on saying "that'll be one to tell the Omleteers" and even in one knick knacky shop "that's the kind of shop an Omleteer would have".


What a cheek :roll: .


Welcome back. I thought you must have been away by the lack of postings from you. Are you saying I post a lot :evil::wink: ?


You missed the Scottish one. Thanks, will check it out :) .

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oh Vicki, what a rotten thing to happen. Poor ES, I've heard that's the most painful bone in the body to break :?


We're coming to Edinburgh in a cple of months, that'll cheer you up, or not as the case may be! ;)


Hope the rest of the hol was good, the scenery looked amazing.

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Gorgeous pictures ANH, I love italy. The language, the food, the scenery. *sigh*

Apart from the accident it seems you had a good time. Nice of the hotel to pack you up with towels and drinks and fruit for the hospital.

What did you do with your day in Rome? Have you been before?

Hope ES recovers quickly.

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Did you get to Rome? and how was it? or did your plans have to change !!!


Yes, we did get there! It was before the crash. We had 2 nights and one full day in Rome. Managed to see most of the major sights but it was very hot and the boys weren't too impressed with all the pavement plodding and the crowds. I think they now appreciate the type of holiday we've always taken them on up to now :lol: (self-catering, DIY holidays in the UK or northern Europe!)


Honestly :roll: . Some people just can't control their offspring :roll: .



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We're coming to Edinburgh in a cple of months, that'll cheer you up, or not as the case may be! ;)


Make sure you let me know when, we'll definitely need to meet up :D . I thought you were coming this way in the summer, weren't you?


Oh yes!! Let us know Poet, and we can arrange a meet.


Sorry to hear about ES's accident, ANH, but my mum always used to say that a holiday wasn't a proper family holiday without a hospital visit at some point... :lol:

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