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Hen sounds like a cockerel!? Update - My hen was a cockerel!

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I don't know if this has been posted before but I am slightly worried about my hen!

We bought her at 12 weeks old and now she is around 22 weeks old but starting to crow in the mornings like a cockrel!!!! We bought her from a friend who knows a lot about chickens and he assured us she was a she but she sounds like a he! It is only when we let her out first thing in the morning she will crow for about 20mins (not nonstop thank god) and then that will be it for the rest of the day, unless a cat is around which gets another blast of cockadoodling!

Any help would be great! Q.worried now what to do with her/him!?

Thank Heather

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Hmm, you have a he it seems. It can be difficult to sex them and sometimes they are sexed as female but turn out to be male - as in your case it seems. I had one like that. He was called Nancy (after a friend of mine)! There's a name for this but I can't remember what that is at the mo. Egluntine will know for sure.


Sorry, I'm absolutely no help whatsoever!

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Can you post a picture of him/her?


Can you compare her appearance to that of the others. What are the comb and wattles like?


Are the tail feathers more flambouyant?


Are the hackle feathers rounded or pointy at the ends? (pointy = boy)


Has s/he got a sturdier stance and chunkier legs?

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okay, photos not working and I need to get off to work.

Had a look at hen/cock and she just looks like the other hens really. Slightyl redder comb and bigger wattles but the way she/he walks and legs are all the same. They don't crow though!

Any more advice of things to look out for would be great!

I'll chat 2moro a.m and hopefully sort a photo! Thanks Heather x

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One of my chickens makes really loud noises, sort of a mix between a honk, a bray and a shout! Usually she does this when first up in the morning, when she or her friend have laid an egg, when there is a cat in the garden.....


Is it definitely a cockadoodledoo or perhaps (fingers crossed) she could just be a bit vocal like my Doris? :?

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I am having a similar problem, a fluting 'doodleoo' call in the morning from the dominant chicken demanding to be let out. Same shape as the female, but more pronounced comb/wattles...


Does the crow lengthen to a cockadoodledoo as they get older, or is this a chicken having me on? They're only 8 weeks old...

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Hopefully this has worked now! This is the cock/hen in question. Does look rather 'butch' here, hmm...

TBH though the others are a similar shape and so are feathers around tail and legs etc. The only difference we can see is that his/her comb is more profound like sparkymark said.

Okay, cast your votes... cockrel or hen???[/img]

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Cockerel! Look at all that green in his tail, chunky legs, cockerel stance! (well thats my best guess anyway :lol: )


Edited to add: just google images of RIR chickens - males have the green tails. And the pics of the roosters definitely look like your 'boy' Sorry!

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Cockerel! Look at all that green in his tail, chunky legs, cockerel stance! (well thats my best guess anyway :lol: )


Edited to add: just google images of RIR chickens - males have the green tails. And the pics of the roosters definitely look like your 'boy' Sorry!



I aggree ( although am really new to this so not at all an expert like Snowy Howells and Egluatine) but it deffinatly looks like a cockerel to me too ...

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When I looked at that photo last night I just knew it. Its only when you look at them like that when I saw it. I have to say he/she's not a full RIR but that was nearest breed to describe them.

Aahhh, husband is contacting his friend where we bought him from tonight to take him back! He will be able to keep him there without fear of environmental health visitng!


Thank you so much for all your help!

Could you clear up one thing that I was told, I don't know of its true or not.. Sometimes in groups of hens one will take a masculine role and start to crow??? This is why we didnt check sooner with 'Roastie!'

Thanks again, Heather

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When I looked at that photo last night I just knew it. Its only when you look at them like that when I saw it. I have to say he/she's not a full RIR but that was nearest breed to describe them.

Aahhh, husband is contacting his friend where we bought him from tonight to take him back! He will be able to keep him there without fear of environmental health visitng!


Thank you so much for all your help!

Could you clear up one thing that I was told, I don't know of its true or not.. Sometimes in groups of hens one will take a masculine role and start to crow??? This is why we didnt check sooner with 'Roastie!'

Thanks again, Heather


Glad you are able to take the chicken back. Hope you haven't got too attached. You're also right about some chickens changing gender. My friend has one that has done!

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Okay update!

Husband spoke to breeder at weekend and he said at 22 weeks old chook would be obviously a boy compared to others. All 3 are from same mum and dad so will be same shape size etc. Which they all are and although in pic legs look quite thick others are same. Ahhhh! So confusing! Plus at the weekend she/he only squawked in morning when first let out and when there was cats. Breeder said he/she would crow all day long if a boy. I read on here earlier that hens do make a lot of noise when coming in to lay? After hearing a real cockerel the other day while walking, mine definately doesn't screech so much and is more of a squawk shout rather than cockledoodledoo.

So am I being overoptimistic and fobbed off by breeder? What do I have!?


Here is a pic of all 3 together to show same shape etc. The cock/hen is on the left at the back.


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I am totally new to this, but did quite a lot of research as we got a cockrel in our chooks which had to go back, I would say that definatley looks like a cokrel, it is the tail feathers, they seem a lot longer and mopre curled than any hens. Did the breeder say they would have it back or not, if you wait a little longer to be sure will they have it back?

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Can you check out the hackle feathers? Are they rounded or pointed at the ends.


They all look like cockerels I'm afraid.


You will know for sure when you hear crowing, or find eggs in the nest box.


Here is a pic of a RIR hen.



Here is a RIR rooster....a mature one admittedly, but the differences are there to see. :(



I'd have them back to the breeder toot sweet. Sorry.

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