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egg with no shell on the lawn

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Ive had my girls for just over 2 weeks, Ginger and Nut started laying in the nesting box this week, Biscuit layed a beautiful big egg with no shell this afternoon in the middle of the garden, I know a softie is nothing to worry about at first, but will she get the idea to lay in the nesting box???

Any one else had hens laying on the lawn???

Cally :?

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Hi everyone,

We have had our 3 chooks about three weeks now. We also have had one beautiful hard-shelled egg laid in the nestbox but that was a week ago and no hard-shelled eggs since. However, we have been getting shell-less eggs dropped around on the ground in various places.

Is this normal?...maybe the chooks haven't quite got the hang of making solid aegg, or is it maybe a diet defficiency (we feed them with the Omlet chicken feed that was delivered with them - although we do treat them with the occasional donut and meal worm.

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Soft shells are often caused from a lack of GRIT - OYSTER SHELL ..


If there young hens it's quiet normal for them to lay a soft one , usually when they first lay .


Regarding not laying in the nesting box , try putting a few egg shaped pebbles in the nesting box so they know to lay in there :wink:

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When Joy was going through her softie stage, I found them on the lawn, in the run and in the poo trays, as well as one or two in the nestbox. They probably come out quicker than "proper" eggs, so there may not be time to get to the nestbox.


They also make a mess in the nestbox, so it may be easier to clean up if they're laid elsewhere.

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