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Wow - these things hold their value!

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I have bought a new Eglu from Omlet but I thought I'd watch a second hand one being sold on ebay. I can't believe that it went for £333! That is brilliant, it's a great resale value.


I do think £360 is an awful lot of money for an Eglu, but I really hope my reservations will be dismissed when I get it and become a chicken keeper for the first time.


Delivery on Friday, yey!



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Many thanks for your warm welcome to the forum.


I have ordered the green eglu.


No chickens yet. I am going on holiday next month, so will wait until I get back. We're going on holiday with the neighbours, so no one will be about to look after the girls.


How many chickens do you reckon I can have. I will be at work during the day so they will have to stay in the run, but when I'm home they'll be free ranging it in the garden.


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The price eglus go for on ebay is mad. I got a recon eglu from omlet for less than a second hand one from ebay.


As for amount of hens I would say if they are staying in alot 2 in an eglu with standard run and 3 in an eglu with a standard run and a converter. I would also say go for 3 and add the converter, I was only going to get 2 girls but went for 3 in the end and I am so so glad I did :D

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Hello, and welcome!


You would be surprised at the cost of good quality wooden coops - at least as much as for a similar sized Eglu and without the benefit of low maintenance/resale value.


As to number of hens - I was told that the minimum you should have is three. That way the top hen has two minions to share any punishments and also should one die you're not left with a sad singleton. I reckon you need a convertor for 3 to be comfy though.



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As to number of hens - I was told that the minimum you should have is three. That way the top hen has two minions to share any punishments and also should one die you're not left with a sad singleton. I reckon you need a convertor for 3 to be comfy though.


I was told the minimum was four, and that's what I got. For the moment they are quite happy in the standard run :pray: I let them out to sort of free range (surronded by netting) while supervised, I'm also in the process of fininshing a walk in run, that is quite a bit larger 6'x4'.

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As for amount of hens I would say if they are staying in alot 2 in an eglu with standard run and 3 in an eglu with a standard run and a converter. I would also say go for 3 and add the converter, I was only going to get 2 girls but went for 3 in the end and I am so so glad I did :D


I would agree with Yolky here. 3 is a really nice number of chickens to have. I started with 3 in the standard run and planned to get the converter before the winter when they would be spending more time in the run. But I really didn't think the standard run was big enough for them while I was at work, so have the converter now - it makes a big difference. The eglu has space for a few more chickens, so it's really the run space that needs to be considered.

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Hello and welcome we are newish to the forum to we have a green eglu we already love it. We got our chickens on saturday and they have be so fascinating to watch. They have setteled well they are eating out of our hands through the run. The kids love them and so does the OH who is already saying well lets see how it goes and maybe upgrade to a cube!!!


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Welcome to the forum, Boybeck :D . Congratulations on going for an eglu - you won't regret it :D .


I got 3 girls and soon added a converter - it makes a big difference if they have to stay in the run while you're at work. If you can, add it to your eglu order to save yourself postage!


Let us know where you live and I'm sure someone will have advice on a good breeder. I bought mine from a local farmer!

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Welcome to the Forum! :wink:


Depends where you are. I've just ordered my eglu a couple of weeks ago, and I've only just found somewhere to buy my girls! Maybe because there's not a lot of Chicken breeders in North Wales :wink:

So I'm going down to Shropshire :D


Lots of people order from Omlet or Merrydale Poultry(Leicester)

I'm going to Perfect Pekins and Alison's Poultry though there both Shropshire/Owestry based.


Sure someone on here can help you sort it out. :D

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With regards to number-i have two hens in an Eglu and when they get to around 2 years old,i'll introduce another pair so i will always have fresh eggs! I know it might sound callous looking that far ahead,but in theory-when they start to die naturally i should still have laying hens.I will however buy an extension to accomodate them.


I dont think theres an optimum number though provided they're never on their own.

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