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Anyone else a Lush-aholic?

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Hi there, I just wanted to say that I think Lush are the most amazing people to get all your shampoo, moisturisers, bath stuff, toothpaste etc etc from - they make showering a real feel-good experience :lol: Their stuff is handmade, no animal testing and made from natural ingredients and everything has a use-by date.


Don't know if I'm posting this in the right place...? But do try www.lush.co.uk... and if you have already tell me what your favourite thing is, my new favourite is Sonic Death Monkey shower gel (named after a trendy band I'm told... :? ) smells of chocolate, mmm...



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I'm a Lushaholic as well :oops:


Well done Martin for getting in to Lush - I'm always trying to convince men to 'go and have a look'.


Carl's favourite is Prince shaving cream - he's stopped arriving at work with cuts everywhere now :D


My favourite is the Godiva shampoo bar - it makes the whole bathroom smell nice.


Our house is empty but fully furnished at the moment while we try to sell it. All three bathrooms have Lush products in and it smells wonderful when you open the door. I hasten to add - it doesn't smell as strongly as the shop :shock: - don't want to put people off :lol:

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I liked lush until I tried their scalp conditioning treatment £5. I've got dry patches despite having oily hair, so thought I'd try it. Yesterday I left some on the worst bit overnight (as the woman in the shop said she did), then added some all over today as per the 15 minute instructions. I did tell her I had oily hair and she said she did too.

I washed it with their juniper shampoo bar, pantene, vinegar, shampoo again and it just stayed on.

My hair soaked it up and was so greasy it looked wet all day.


OH suggested washing up liquid this afternoon, and now after about 4 attempts have got rid of the worst of it but my hair STILL looks greasy and horrible like it is wet. I wish I had just put up with the dry bits now, so much better than this.


I don't know if I should complain, or tell them, but can't find a contact on the website anyway, just forums on other subjects.



Also does anyone have an ideas for getting rid of it apart from fairy liquid?


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Chocchick, i think you should definately tell them, esp as the shop assistant is giving bum advice! DH uses the scalp treatment and it works really well, but only leave on 10 mins or so, it's so strong it doesn't need any longer. can't think of anything better than fairy to get rid of the grease, unless you've a specific de-greaser in your cupboard under the sink, my dad used to always have one for after he'd been working in the garage!


S xx

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:) Chocchick! How about trying oatmeal, the fine stuff very cheap from health food retailers. Just stand in the garden & rub a couple of handfuls through, then brush out. You'll be amazed how it soaks up any excess oils!

Then, all you need do is give up shampoos & other hair products altogether!

Even so, it may help with the immediate problem, yet won't harm your hair or scalp.

You could even try the bicarb trick. Just a tsp in a pint of warm water, rubbing in before rinsing. It may cut through better than f.liquid etc,

Good luck, and do tell the shop manager.

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I love Lush, I really do :P:P:P


My current fave is the Sunnyside bubble bar Slice,which although its wonderful & glittery does not leave glitter on you as its soapy :P

It smells like Heaven& looks like you are bathing in liquid gold.


My girls save all their pocket money for Lush sprees....better than spending it on sweets!


By the way sarahjm "Sonic Death Monkey" was the name of Jack Blacks characters band in the movie "High Fidelity"

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Oh dear, I really dislike Lush products :( I am very sensitive to strong smells, and I really avoid walking anywhere near a Lush shop if I see one.

One christmas a good friend of mine bought me a Lush hamper, must have cost her a fortune :shock: I tried a bath bomb, can't remember what flavour,

and it turned the bath water bright green and left a big green scummy mess :evil: I gave all the contents of the hamper away to friends who were very pleased :roll::roll: Sorry :oops:



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Afraid I am with Tessa on this one, I am not mad about the products and I can't stand the smell of the shop ... the one at Liverpool Street Station pervades the whole waiting area.


My sister can't enter a Lush shop because the smell gives her an asthma attack.

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I love the smell of Lush shops! :lol:


I don't buy as much as I used to as their products still contain SLS - I do mention it when I go in and they have reduced the amounts they use apparently, but other companies produce their toiletries without it........the manager in the Stratford store is used to me having my moment of ranting :wink:

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My mother was given a box of stuff at christmas which was passed to me and I have very sensitive skin so I looked through the brochure at the list of ingredients :shock:


Suffice to say I will only be using them as an air freshener till the smell goes as I won't put them near my skin :roll:

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I love the smell - my bedroom smells of lush at the moment as I have a big bag of bombs in there waiting to be used.


if anyone out there has curly/fluffy/frizzy hair then try the Cynthia Sylvia Stout shampoo. Its the only was I can get my hair to behave itself :roll:


I went to London last week & found their sister shop 'B never to busy to be beautiful', which was fabulous. So many gorgeous goodes in twinkly pots - girl heaven! 8):lol:

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i think the smell of Lush is one you either love or hate! :lol: A colleague and I used to pass through Covent Garden when working in London. I always had to stop at the Lush shop, but she kept out as it gave her a migraine! I adore strong smells (depending where they come from, obviously) :lol:

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