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Ideas for an 80th birthday party please....with a twist!

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Both hubby and I are 40 this year and so we thought that we would have one, joint birthday party in the school holidays. So next Saturday we are having Jan and John's 80th birthday party with an 80's theme. I am dressing as Boy George but hubby can't decide what to go as. We are going to have 80's style food, a glitter ball hanging from the conservatory ceiling and obviously 80's fancy dress.


I know you lot are full of brilliant ideas so I'd like to pick your brains for ideas for drinks, food, decorations, etc.


Thanks in advance,



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Fondue! That was very popular back then. Prawn cocktail?


As for costumes cyndi lauper is probably reasonably easy. Lots of skirts and bangles. Or maybe a wham! style CHOOSE LIFE t shirt or something, and alot of fake tan!


Anything in luminous green.


Madness style , flat caps and baggy trousers, maybe a fake saxophone, unless you have a real one!


Ooh sounds like fun :mrgreen:

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Those pineapple and cheese hedgehogs - they were great, fondue, black forest gateau, babycham in big wide chapagne glasses (gotto have a cherry on a stick and a sparkly umbrella!)


OH YES!! Black forest Gateaux What happened to that?


Spangles, bombay mix,eggs mayonnaise(home produced obviously!)

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We are having fondue and chicken in a basket. Hadn't thought about black forest gateaux. He doesn't want to dress as a girl but he is a bit concerned that there were no portly, bald pop stars in the 80's. I suggested Pavarotti which he found offensive. Then I suggested that we could go as Rene and Renata.

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Apparently Rene and Renata is also offensive. He's just said that he would like to go as Freddie and shave the bottom of his beard off but he then added that 'a fat Freddie wouldn't work'.


Not painting a good picture here...I think he's lovely.



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May we suggest Professer Henry Jones played by Sean Connery in Indiana Jones in the 1989 film............ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Or an other undercover agent to 007 and wear a dinner suite , frilly shirt and carry a water pistol to have fun with!!!


All the best in what ever you choose.


Best regards


Ian & Valerie

William & Harry

Missy & Millie dogs girls

Bluebell & Tinkerbell " The Bluebell Girls" PP

The new girls, GNR , small GNR , PP , (white chicken)

3 ex battery hens GNR

2 x (duck) 1 x (white duck) now on wildlife trust duck pond

(purple eglu) , (cube purple)

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