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Only 41 days to go until cube arrival day! I've already had some fab advise about the pro's & cons of moving your eglu around or having it on a permanent site... :clap:


Now my attention has returned to which type of lovely chickens to get!


I'm still quite smitten with the idea of getting some orpingtons or marans. However, whilst looking at all the lovely photo's of other peoples chooks, I've come across some pics of' bluebells' which have rather taken my fancy! I've had a look in my well thumbed chicken books but can't find any reference to them... :?


Can anybody tell me what they are and if they know of anyone who breeds then in the Cornwall/ Devon area? :)

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Had a look at the pics of your beautiful girls!

Realised I was spelling it wrong & have now managed to find a bit of info....


Try Googling, lots there and it's pretty forgiving on spelling as long as you have chicken or hen in the search.

"French Military Victories" once upon a time got you, "Do you mean French Military Defeats?" but that"s another story.

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I have 3 Bluebelles,unfortunately had one put to sleep a fortnight ago due to a prolapse.

Two are very friendly but one is a nervous wreck.She is the biggest and is called Big Bertha!

I am sure they are a cross with a Maran and a RIR and are french.

Mine have different shades of blue/silver/grey/lilac ,they are beautiful.

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We got our first girls today and one of them is a bluebelle, but she is called a Mendlesham Blue by Glencroft Poultry (the Whitehouse Range). Apparently he provides pullets all over the country and to other breeders too.


We didn't intend to get a 'blue' when we went but we were bowled over by the beautiful colours and range of intensity of smoky blue plumage that we had to have one! We've been working on my dad for a long time to get hens so when he said we had to have one of them,, we instantly agreed and let him choose which one too!


She's bigger than all the others but the Pied Suffolk - who's enormous looking to us. Flo seems to be that bit more inquisitive than the others too, she's the one who first tried out the ladder on the cube and she worked out how the superglug worked first too. We are delighted with her (we're in love with all of them actually!).


We went intending to get some ambers and gingernuts/meadowsweet rangers/mendlesham rangers but came away with a mix and are delighted we did so!


Good luck with your choices! :)

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Hiya :D

Glad to hear you are thinking of getting Bluebelles, we have had our two for about a month now. They are fairly large, but very placid. Barbara is our top hen and first to lay- she is becoming tame, loves a cuddle and is really chatty. Margot is a bit shy, so we are working on her! They both lay on average 6 eggs a week (although I've had an !egg! strike for a few days-I put it down to the weather as they are not free ranging as much as they want to due to rain!).

The only thing with them is they have lovely fluffy bottoms, which do get quite dirty! If you don't mind cleaning them up then it's okay.

They are really pretty, I'm so glad we chose this breed!


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)-Barbara !egg! 28/07/08

(Bluebelle)-Margot !egg! 04/08/08

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