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Laptops, er, how do they work? Numpty questions...

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:oops: Sorry to ask here but friends & family all know too little (or too much) to help.

I was hoping to set up a laptop for my daughter so that she can work (chat) on it when this PC is in use.

But I don't understand anything about computers. :oops:


How does the new laptop get broadband access? This PC has an O2 box which could be wireless but I haven't made it a wireless connection yet.


Is getting a laptop online something that I could just do today by buying one? There's a real gap in my understanding here, :oops: anyone feeling patient?


Also, I was just going to get the cheapest at just under £300. Is there anything that I should make sure a basic model has that I might otherwise regret not having? It'll be used for storing homework & possibly photos.


Thank you!

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I'm sure there are others who know far more than me, but here goes! The latest laptops should have a wireless thingy built in, so once you open them up and switch on they automatically search for a wireless internet connection (at least mine does, thank goodness!)


The only other two things I can think of are plenty of gigabytes for memory and a dual core processer (from what I can gather they are the latest processer and allow you to run lots of things at the same time).


Well that is a start - wait for the the real techies to come along now and explain it all properly! :lol:

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My daughter had a Dell laptop with built in camera and wi-fi for last Christmas/birthday. We have a BT wi-fi box and as soon as we turned the laptop on it picked up the wi-fi connection and we just had to type in the code on the BT box and that was it.


Now she is attached permanently to her laptop - it is just difficult to judge how much MSN is being used and how much time is spent on homework :lol:



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This might help :)


Students and others on a tight budget should look for a laptop that delivers the most bang for the buck. In particular, students need a notebook that is small and light enough to lug back and forth across campus but rugged enough to withstand bouncing around in a backpack.

Key Features

AMD Turion 64, AMD Turion 64 X2, Intel Core Duo, or Intel Core 2 Duo

At least 1GB of memory

Big hard drive to hold all those MP3s

DVD burner for backups and class projects

Wired and wireless networking for network-equipped classrooms and dorm rooms

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium or Apple Mac OS X


For the full guide:











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:D Thank you so much for the replies.

Lots of help there, I really appreciate it, thanks.


I'll report back later, assuming I don't lose the connection altogether when I install the wireless part... :oops:


...I've already lost the first reply I made thanking you all...how strange! So, thank you very much for helping me out, I think I knowwhat to do now.

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The CD went through it step by step - if you get stuck, ring O2 broadband helpline, they are really helpful, in the UK and it's free!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Diane! :D

I reached the stage where the CD process was done but it couldn't find the wireless connection, so I did 'phone O2.

Their service so far has been truly amazing, I'm so glad I changed to O2.

Turned out that I hadn't clicked the laptop connection to on :oops: as the laptop instructions were almost non existent, but the O2 man talked me through what to do.

Brilliant (free) service from O2, as you say Diane.


Thanks everyone for the tech support & also the numpty support. :D This forum is amazing, and my daughter is sat happily changing the home page & stuff.


Phew! I'm off for another cuppa!

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oh I am glad it's all up and running, I have all this to come Christmas time when my OS wants a laptop for Christmas (if he;s good ofcourse)


It would free up him being able to do his homework while younger son is on the main computer doing his, but I still fear at Christmas I will be expecting one of you to be on here Christmas day to help us get it set up... :lol:


The other thing is there are loads and loads of different ones to buy, it's confusing!

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Damn, Christmas.


I havn't checked if the hotel has free wireless..... May need to cancel.....


Hang on calling Mickey Mouse RIGHT NOW.


s' OK Mickey says "additional fee applies". Hope the pound is doing well against the dollar.


Seriously - OS will probably be able to set it up himself loopyloo! But Omlet will be here to help if not

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:lol: Glad M.Mouse can help Pengy.

Well, I'll be here on Christmas Day if you get stuck Lynsey, I'm such an expert now!


As for choice, I decided to buy from a shop as I couldn't wait for delivery of an internet purchase, but I researched online first.


I decided to go for the cheapest one that showed it had the Dual Core Processing and a decent sized hard drive storage. This turned out to be £275 for a Fujitsu Siemens something or other from Comet & there's a store in the next town, so I was pleased with that.

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HI Sheila,


I'm so glad you've got sorted, that's great.


O2 are great aren't they? I was with Tiscali before and in one day, my connection dropped 64 times (they told me this as they checked the line!) - I moved to O2 last year and they have been fabulous - I've only had one problem and the helpline were amazing - they did various diagnostic tests and decided it was my wireless box so sent me a new one out immediately and it fixed the problem. They will also offer advice on other pc queries whilst you're on, and seem to know there stuff, rather than just reading off a list like many helpdesks...


Enjoy your wireless surfing!! :wink:

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