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Eglu impersonator

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:lol: But, if he posts it to you, he dismantles it, so you have to apply your own silicon! :lol: I'm not sure I would be able to piece it back together so professionally.

I daren't ask another question really though. When I originally suggested that he shouldn't call it an Eglu, his reply was "do you work for them then?" So, I don't want to cause any more trouble...... :lol:

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Go on, I dare you...


No, not worth the hassle. I am a bit worried about someone keeping chooks in there though. I've got no axe to grind with different types of chicken houses, but this is not only ludicrous, its not healthy for the chickens - it'll be so hot, for one thing... :evil:

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:lol: But, if he posts it to you, he dismantles it, so you have to apply your own silicon! :lol: I'm not sure I would be able to piece it back together so professionally.
I daren't ask another question really though. When I originally suggested that he shouldn't call it an Eglu, his reply was "do you work for them then?" So, I don't want to cause any more trouble...... :lol:


I was woundering who asked that ,as I saw it on the question and answer at the bottom of the page . :lol::lol:

Repeat after me:

I must not torment the man with the storage box!!

I must not torment the man with the storage box!!

I must not torment the man with the storage box!!

I must not torment the man with the storage box!!


oh go on then,1 more question wont hurt :D


we are sooooooooooo naughty :D


£21!! :shock::shock:

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It was withdrawn and relisted Buffie.... maybe you've got the old link? It's still there, £23 now :shock: Try Cinnamon's link and you should find it :wink:


'tis relisted.......




Take a look,apparantly he encured the wrath of the Eglu owners!

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Sorry, but I don;t see what all the fuss is about.


If the box is placed under a shady part of the garden it won;t get overheated inside. As he says - it can be insulated in winter with foam inside or even with bubble wrap I'd have thought. It has ventilation and can be kept clean quite easily.


If the hens are free ranging and only roost in it at night where's the harm being done? As he says, he makes 'rooms' for his hens with cardboard boxes that he replaces regularly and uses newspaper as deep litter. He takes care with the concrete block and plywood to ensure his hens are safe at night.


It isn;t cruel to use something that has been adapted from another use.

Not everyone can afford an eglu and he has used his initiative to design something that he felt gave his hens a break fom red mite. At least he obviuosly cares about his hens and the red mite problem.


I grew up with sheep, goats, ponies, hens, ducks, rabbits, cats and dogs (amongst other animals) and we never had money to do anything posh for them - but they were all loved and cared for and everything was hand made and cobbled together by my mother.Our goat shelter was a large galvanised dustbin turned on its side! Did the job and Mrs Goat was quite happy. To be honest this is just the sort of thing my Mum would have come up with if she was doing something similar now.


So i am sorry Buffie but I have to disagree with you.


The only thing he has done wrong is refer to it in the same breath as he refers to an eglu which could have misled a bidder.And undermines a branded product.


And he is asking a lot to expect someone else to want to buy it ie rather than make something for themselves.It isn;t wotrth anything really - so he is a bit of a chancer in that respect.



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:) Hi Helen, haven't seen you for a while. Just to clarify, the original posting described it as being an Eglu! This was clearly against ebay rules, and ebay forced him to withdraw it, and he relisted with just a slight ref. to Eglu.

That's how this thread started, indignant that he should call it an Eglu, flouting Ebay rules. At that stage, it became a bit of a giggle, and, as you can see the thread continued.

Yes, you raise some good points that DIY housing can be fine, and I do agree that there's no need for any serious criticism now. But a bit of mocking here is no more than he deserved, and anyway, it'll be sold soon! :D

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This did all start as he was selling a storage box as an eglu alternative. :shock: It clearly isn't and I don't mind any one elses opinion differing from mine it's fine maxhen. :wink: It wouldn't be insulated against the cold, I've owned these and paint freezes.


I wouldn't keep hens in this and I think he does deserve a bit of flack for the cheek and can't imagine who'd buy it.



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