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Ipod versus Zune ?

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ES wants to buy himself an ipod. He had a nano a few years ago which lasted 18 months, drove me mad and made me swear never to buy an Apple product again :evil: .


I like to research expensive purchases (even if he's paying :wink: ) so what experiences have you had with ipods or Zunes?


I think the new ipod touch is too expensive at £199.


The ipod classic doesn't seem to get brilliant reviews (ES's friends don't rate it too highly either)


Has anyone got a Microsoft Zune? Never heard of it till today but will check it out.

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I have a cheap copy of an Ipod that I got in Aldi. It looks just like an Ipod nano. It cost about £30. It has the WORST interface on the planet which I hate but then I look at Ipods and see the price and think stuff that!


So I put up with the rubbish interface and at least I can buy Ipod accessories - actually people are often surprised when I say it ISN'T an Ipod.

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I have an iPOD that I won a few years back and it's fine for how I use it (not very often and then as a replacement stereo!). I was looking at Zunes when I was in the US last time and the reviews of them are excellent - that's where I'd spend my money if I was in the market for one.

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OH has just bought me an Ipod Nano, docking station (for when I'm cooking up a disaster in the kitchen) and a waterproof armband and ear plugs for when Im swimming. It sounds great! Dont know anything about Zunes but would recommend an Ipod going on the one I've just got. :D


OH got it through Amazon and had it imported from the USA (much cheaper) and the waterproof business from WWW.H2Oaudio.Com - v good.




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I love my I pods!!!


I am very interested in what kimmycustard said about waterproof stuff, does it really work?


Sorry though, never heard of Zunes, but would be interested to find out more.


I would be interested to find out if it is easy to use an I tunes library with a different brand of mp3/4 player, but I guess that is a whole new thread.

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I love my I-pod.


Had a mini a few years ago but I dropped it from a horse and then said horse stood on it so I bought a nano a while ago.


Its the squarer( :?: ) one rather than the taller one and I love it!

I also love the I-tunes software - would this work with the Zune??


I must admit that ive never heard of Zune...scuttles off to google lol!




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Hmmm, interesting replies but I'm still undecided :? .


I was just so angry about the ipod nano I bought ES for Christmas (got it out of the box on Christmas Eve to put it together for him - it didn't work so I had to give him the box on Christmas Day and say, sorry I'll have to send it away and get it replaced :evil: ). Even the replacement didn't work that well for very long.


It seems to be luck of the draw if you get an ipod that works. I'm just scared ES spends a lot of his money on another one, for it not to work either :? .

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Hmmm, interesting replies but I'm still undecided :? .


I was just so angry about the ipod nano I bought ES for Christmas (got it out of the box on Christmas Eve to put it together for him - it didn't work so I had to give him the box on Christmas Day and say, sorry I'll have to send it away and get it replaced :evil: ). Even the replacement didn't work that well for very long.


It seems to be luck of the draw if you get an ipod that works. I'm just scared ES spends a lot of his money on another one, for it not to work either :? .


I think you are right Vicki. We had one that was a dodgy buy. I kept taking it back to the Apple shop in the Trafford Centre and they were very good and after about 2 visits and moans we got a brand new one which has been briliant ever since.

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my friend who is kinda knowlegable in most things (I call him my oracle) suggested I buy a Creative Zen, when I was looking to replace my Philips one (which I loved but which clashed with Vista). He said this....


"the brand new Creative 4gb or 8gb is astounding" give or take a few hundred words!

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Thanks for that! I've checked out the Creative Zen on Amazon - looks really good but as usual, there are as many who slate it as rate it so again it's difficult to decide.


BUT, it's a fraction of the price of an iPod so may be worth considering. I'll see what ES thinks (it is for him, after all, not me - I'll be getting his castoff Sony MP3 player :roll: ).

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We have a couple of ipod's in our house, a couple of cheapo MP3's and our ultimate favourite...a Sony walkman - the new style, not the cassette version I must add :lol:


The sound on the walkman beats the ipod and is also so much easier to load content onto. It's nice not to be locked into itunes too. :D

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Yes the waterproof thingy really does work! I need music to keep me motivated when swimming and a bit of the Scissor Sisters or some Wham! really do it for me! I'll also be using it on the beach in Thailand next year. 8)





Thanks Kimmy I think I am going to have to treat myself then. Must download some Wham! as well. I think this could make swimming a lot less boring :D

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they have ipods in Costco ANH and sometimes you can get things 25-50% cheaper :shock:


If you aren't a member I could meet you there one day if you wanted 8)


I was in earlier but I hadn't read this post so had no idea you were on the lookout - sorry :oops:


I will check prices next time I am in there for you :wink:

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That would be great, thanks Louise :D . I don't have a Costco card but I do know plenty of people who do. Or perhaps it would be a good excuse for an Omlet meet :lol: .


No problem ANH just say the word I work less than a mile from the place so it is (too) convenient :oops:


A mini Omlet meet sounds good :lol:


If he decides to go for one they have let me know 8)

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I was in Costco this afternoon and they have 3 types of ipod priced as follows :wink:


ipod classic 160 GB £217.36 :shock:


ipod nano silver bundle 4GB £105.73


ipod nano blue bundle 8 GB £131.58


Means nothing to me as I am a techno numptie :lol:


All prices are including the VAT :?


I will keep my eyes open in case they get any other types in not that I am in there that often :whistle:


I spent less than £12 today honestly :roll:

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