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So embarrassed!

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I've just come in from the hairdressers to find my lovely neighbour in our drive. Our big girls that free range in the back garden had got through to his garden. :roll:

I quickly got the sweetcorn out & looked in his back garden to see them in his veggie patch having a party. :oops:

Totally ignoring mummy..they then went in his front garden. I literally had to make a trail of sweetcorn down his drive..out along the footpath & into our garden. They then followed me like the pied piper, much to the amusement of cars going past. I'm so embarrassed. :oops: Don't know how to apologise to the neighbours. They are nice neighbours. Pot of jam maybe?

I'm just so red faced & I looked a nutter!

I've had to shut them in the cube run, until hubby can seal up the hole in the fencing.


Chickens are so so naughty!



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Mine did this as well Emma.


My next door neighbour came round and said my chickens were in his garden.


He was worried because he had put lawn fertilizer down.


What ever I did I couldnt get them back and they could run fast as they were only young.


One even fell into his fishpond.


In the end I had to ask him if I could leave them with him until my OH got home and he was ok with that.


Then all three of us managed to catch them and one found her own way home.


I keep checking the fences now :D

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I've had to shut them in the cube run, until hubby can seal up the hole in the fencing.

We have a dog that visits our neighbours on a regular basis through the fence. I've patched it up all along using various materials, but he now jumps :!: I think he was a mountain goat in a previous life. I have to go tound with the lead and ask if I can please have my dog back :oops:

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Yeah I was thinking maybe 16 eggs, or 6 eggs and a nice homemade cake or something - just so you are actually giving them something to compensate loss of veggie patch?!


The neighbours to the right of me would go absolutely mad if my chickens got into their garden so I feel for you :) Still funny though I bet once they were all rounded up? :lol:

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How about eggs from the naughty chickens to apologise (you could write a note or stick a card from them on the box) and a pot of jam or cake etc from you to thank the neighbour for coming to get you, rather than reaching for the roasting tin :lol: . Maybe an offer of a roast/bbq chicken dinner?


I'd had mine about three weeks when Hope escaped to the neighbours, walked straight into their kitchen and scrounged their toast :oops::lol:. Not only did they give her the toast :shock: , but they also wrapped her in a towel to pick her up, as they didn't know how to do it properly and didn't want to hurt her, and put her very gently back in the yard :D. I took them round an omlet box of four eggs, with a note from Hope to say thank you and here was a little something to go with their next toast. They thankfully thought the whole thing was hilarious and now regularly look over the fence to check on the chickens.


Hens - they don't half show you up :lol:

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oh no! :oops::oops::oops: It's dreadful, isn't it. Mine got into one of the neighbours' gardens and she charged us £25 for the damage they did in one of the sections of annual bedding plants. Not a happy day. She also said she'd kicked the hen nearest her and would wring their necks if she caught them again.


Tonight our lovely neighbours (super people, and ever so laid back) phoned me as i was walking the kids home from school to say the 3 chooks were in their garden. DP fetched them and the neighbours didn't mind a bit, bless them.

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