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Hi everyone! :D:D:D


I've tried to find my old thread just to say Hi to you all, but can't find it.


I'm NEVER going to catch up on everything am I :shock: It takes me until 4pm to even get dressed, nevermind have the luxury of sitting down to read missed threads.


Anyway, just wanted to pop in to say hi to keep my foot in the door, so to speak. Gone but not forgotten I hope :wink: If somebody could order me a G&T in the bar, I'll be along sooner or later.


Hope you are all well and have been enjoying this melting heat (ugh - too hot for me)


Looking forward to August get together. Probably the first time I will be able to have conversation with anyone too.


Big love to everyone...I'm REALLY missing you xxxxxxx

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:D Hiya Gina! There's def. no time to read the forum much when you have a newborn, but of course you're still a well loved member! Just look in now & then when you can, like today.

Hope you're enjoying Stefan, and looking after yourself too. Wish you lived just down the road, you could pop round for a cuppa. :lol:

Meanwhile, have you thought of joining any new mum's groups, maybe your health visitor would know of one. I found the National Childbirth Trust group invaluable, and have made lifelong friends. At the time, it just meant I got out of the house sometimes, and had adult contact. Not a whole conversation of course, because either a baby interrupted, or my brain couln't manage whole sentences!

Might be ages before I eventually meet you (all 3 :wink: ) but I'll always be thinking of you. xx

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Hi Gina


Nice to hear from you again.


I promise you it will get better organising yourself and Stefan.


Get yourself in that bar and have your G & T


PS Too hot for me too

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So nice to hear from you Gina. How could we forget you? I had 6 months off from the forum when we had to move out ot the house over the winter....it felt so strange, but I fell back in without any problems! :wink:

How's that lovely little boy?

Take care and big hugs!

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Look at this - two posts in a week! Little Stefan is asleep - phew! - and Darren is off work so I have a spare few mins.


Sheila - good advice about the mum's group. I'm going to find one locally soon now I'm getting better from section and can get about more. My antenatal yoga group have been fantastic. We get togetheer once a week and they've really pampered me (we pamper each pther really!) I've never eaten so many double choc chip cookies :wink:


Weather is blummin boiling is't it! It's melting point here. Even the chooks are spread-winged out on the grass today. I was a bit shocked at first as Thelma had a leg sticking right up in the air and I thought a fox had got her :shock:


What are you all up to this weekend then?

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Hi Gina - nothing much beacuse it is going to get even hotter - some temps. up to 35 :shock:


I'm working at the moment......... er... well, I was :lol:


Farmers' Market tomorrow - we'll go very early and then lurk about in the shade inside. We were going to go to the Royal Show but they've decided not to have any poultry this year so we decided they could............. :roll:


Plenty of clearing to do here but not until the weather cools down

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Well Gina I am meant to be in the garden and at the garden centre and working and cleaning the house :shock::wink: Well in a minute. :lol: We have a bbq for friends before their wedding and then a farmers market on sunday and a rest I think. Walking daisie of course. :P


Keep in the shade! :D



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nice to see you back on the forum Gina


I don't seem to be here much these days it's taking me a while to settle into the new routine!


My weekend will mean getting up at 4:50 going to work and back!

Late shift starts on Tuesday for 3 days then off for three whole days!!


Can I look after Stefan for a while - I'd be less knackered I know it!!! :lol::lol:

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Andrew, you can seek solace when you get up in the early hours and think of me and Stefan up and about too with the early birds. I'll send you a telepathic 'good morning'! You're more than welcome to come over and do a night shift for me though :wink:


Buffie - sod the housework. Your house can't possibly look as bad as mine at the minute. I hope Kim and Aggie don't find out about me - it would make an excellent 'How clean is your House' programme!


I'll be over to you Lesley to lurk about in the shade this afternoon. Much too hot for me to even think about stepping out of the house. The fan is working overtime in the kitchen as I type!

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HI Gina

How wonderful to hear from you - I often think of you when I am walking the woggles at 5.30am - wondering if you are asleep or not :wink: Now I know you might be awake (in body, if not in mind!) I will say hi to you (and to you Andrew)!!

Are you able to make the omlet get together on 19th August? I hope so!



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I have the get together down on the calendar, and will be coming! I'm building up to going by trying to get out and about with Stefan a bit more now. I had no idea it would be so scary taking a 5 week old out for an afternoon.....what a wimp eh?!?!


So nice to be back for a short while at least :D

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