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Goodybe Bill, Goodbye Bumble

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Said goodby to two of our first hatchings today, Bill the copper black maran cockerel and Bumble the cream legbar who loved him more than anything. Before you start thinking of the pot, they've gone to friends of ours who lost their last two elderly hens to a fox a month or so ago. They're going to be getting a couple of point of lay hens as well to give Bumble a break from his amorous advances and then when our latest hatch are old enough (only nearly 4 weeks now) they will have the girls from there as well. (Unless there's two Indian Game girls in which case I'm keeping one :wink: ) I was quite pleased in a strange way, it's lovely to think of them off to live the life of Reilly in sunny Chobham, and our friends have helped us out no end, lent us the wooden coop when we first got our ex-batts, so it was lovely to give something back. And I'm glad we didn't end up eating Bill (who was a VERY handsome boy) but middle daughter sobbed her heart out so it was a bit sad. :cry: Still, we've still got Fred, who may still end up in the oven and Scruff the lovely Brahma who I STILL can't work out the gender of and of course the lovely Dandelion who should be named Barbie as she is beautiful but a bit thick! :lol:


Bye bye babies, have a lovely clucking life in Chobham!


Mrs B

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I know it must be hard but sounds like a lovely home so lucky them!


I took my little pekin lad to his new home a couple of weeks ago and found it really hard .. till I saw the palace he was going to be living in! 3 fields.. 5 girls and a very large coop and run!


Best of luck to your two!

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I too thought this was going to be a sad tale ... but that's really a happy ending, I'm sure your daughter will get over it.


Makes me thing of The Tale of Pigling Bland where the little pigs were sent off to market with their pig-licences .. :D

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