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Lazy Chickens?? Hence very Dirty Home!

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Hi, I am new on here so apologies for sooo many posts in advance!! We have two Chickens and a Duck (living together quite happily it seems!), when I let them out in the mornings, they all come out, have something to eat and drink and then go straight back in their house together until much later on in the day when even then, they only come back out for short periods, however once about 4.30-5pm arrives they come out and go free ranging until it gets dark and they put themselves away, hence their house is very, very dirty inside as they are spending so much time in there home, is this normal? should I get them out and shut the house door? But then what if it rains? Sorry to go on!!


They are not afraid as when they do come out they seem to really have a good time poking around!


Any feedback would be appreciated!




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How old are they? It could be old age but generally, chickens should only be in the nesting area if they are laying (or if it is raining but even then, the eglu has a cover.) The rest of the time should be spent foraging, dustbatheing etc. Are they ex-batts? - they could be acclimatised to a sedentary life.


Have they always been like this or has there been a change? It might be worth giving them a check over. Are they overweight or skinny? Just watch their behaviour - are you sure that they are not nervous of something?


My girls shoot out in the morning and only go back in to eat, lay or sleep in the evening. They do sleep outside but most of the time they are busy, busy, busy.


It would be interesting to hear what about other people's experiences though....all hens are so different.

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Hi, they are 15 weeks old, and go back in and just perch, no eggs obviously yet so they are not going back into do that either! I just do not think that it is very healthy for the three of them to spend quite so much time indoors, especiall like today when it is lovely weather! No, they are not frightened either as as soon as I open the door in the mornings and call them they come out straight away! And also when they are having the complete run of the garden they come up to us too!!




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Even if they do not seem frightened, fifteen weeks is still a baby - seeing you gives them the confidence to come out. Maybe if you put some interesting things outside, or show them a few worms, they will soon get the hang of it.


As they are so young, I just think it is shyness and youth. They will soon realise that outside is much more exciting..

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Our youngest chicken....when seh was 15 weeks went into the eglu more than her week older cousins.....


I think they are just young, and want the comfort...


Our ladies are now 20 weeks, and 19 weeks, and cant wait to get out and about....


hope this helps...


...so really I woiuldnt worry.....



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Welcome to the forum, Andrea :) .


Re "toys", you can hang fruit & veg from the roof of the run (corn on the cob or apples or anything you can tie up!).


Perches (branches or old shoe racks) and/or logs to sit on can be good.


Some people use a dog's treat ball with food in it.


A CD or a mirror reflects light and supposedly keeps them hentertained :wink: .

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I've just got my first chickens too, and posted similar, a few days ago. I thought mine were agoraphobic though!

Funnily enough, mine are about 15 weeks old but just today they have really started wandering around and even made it into the conservatory today, slowly but surely.

I think it's just settling in time that they need. Before today they were spending most of the day huddling inside.

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My new rescued marans positively dislike being out. They have been with us a few weeks now and have just begun to scratch like a normal chicken. At the weekend I leave the walk in run door open for freeranging and they just stay in the confines of the run. Last week I turfed them out into the garden and they hovered round the back of the cube run. After three hours they took one step forward! :shock: By the end of the day they had made it to the end of the garden but came scurrying straight back in when the run door was opened.


Give them time and their confidence will grow.

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