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Recycled Hens Website

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As you know I displayed the recycled hens I've made on the forum. As I'm not allowed to sell them on here now I have set up a website.




Please note I have not put my e-mail address on there due to safety reasons. However if you are interested please e-mail me. If you don't have e-mail, please PM me on the forum instead.


Also for all of those 'Pink People' out there I've now made 2 PINK HENS!

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As you know I displayed the recycled hens I've made on the forum. As I'm not allowed to sell them on here now I have set up a website.






I suspect that the geen hen on your site which says "Lawn in three days" is actually a mis-print and should say "No lawn in three days" :lol:



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lol, good one revnev.


It's not though, that was just the plastic I made it out of!


This is for Martin as he said I should have terms and conditions!

Terms & Conditions

1. I will only send the hens to the seller as soon as the money arrives with your address-this is because it cuts out the safety risk of putting your address on the internet and it being mis-used somehow.

2. There is a full money-back garantee if you are unhappy with your hen if you reply within 28 days.

3. All of the money I raise will go towards an eglu for my hens!

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I love the pink hens and the metal cockerel. You are so enterprising!


If you'd like to buy one, e-mail me/PM me.


Martin, stop fishing for compliments, it's a bad habit! :wink:


Also check the site regularly, as I change it most days and update it, with more pages and hens etc.

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I hope the money actually goes towards an eglu. Have you checked everything through with your parents? What if you do not recieve enough for an eglu, do the customers get their money back? Is there a guarantee? Warinty?


:shock::shock: What? Who made you young entrepreneur police? Good luck to noeglu for having the nouse to go and do it. If one buys a chicken, she can do what she likes with the cash. you buy 'em 'cos you like 'em, not 'cos its going to an eglu!


Ever heard of carpe diem? :wink:

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Ok, I'm sure I will! I'll be making a new generation of plastic hens soon, (seeing that it's too hot to go outside) in amazing and fabulous chickens!


Do you reckon I should e-mail this thread to Lesley, I'm sure she'd love the pink hens, if she hasn't seen them yet!

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