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dirty tummy feathers

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Yesterday I noticed that Didier had mucky feathers underneath, felt a bit matted and muddy but just assumed it was where she had been sitting in a wet dust bath (bit of mud, bit of sand) and today Clara is the same. Is it anything to worry about? I wondered if it could be a sign of lice but can't see anything on either girl, lice or eggs. Do I need to bath them or will they clean themselves sooner or later?


Thanks for any advice.


Oh they are both laying but no egg from D today but as she has been laying less than a week I didn't think this was cause for concern ?????

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You just wash them as you would any other animal - in a sink you can either rinse them off or put them in a bath of water, but they have to be thoroughly dry before you put them back outside - i use a towel and then a hairdryer, even then it is a LONG process, so make sure they arent scared of one before you use it!

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I have looked at them both but can't see anything. I'm looking for clumps of eggs around the base of the feathers. Would i see the lice are they big enough? Also would the feathers get matted that quickly? D was fine in tne morning and mucky in the afternoon? Also if they were that infested would they still be laying?


Thanks for your advice but I'm getting a bit worried now that I'm missing something.

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Given the vile weather, they have probably just been mud bathing.


A serious infestation of lice would stop them from laying,. A lice infestation is quite apparent though, as Claret says, the feathers can look matted and rather oily, and there will be obvious clumps of eggs around the vent.

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Phew, thanks Egluntine. I've been waiting for you!(in a not wierd way!) I really can't see anything on them, does just look like mud and sand but being the novice I am I was getting worried! Would I really need to bath them? Should I wait a couple of days and see how they look? I can't imagine they will like the hairdryer and don't know how else I could get them dry. (Also I have noticed them standing in the rain and I dont dry them then??)

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I can understand wh you think that they wouldnt like it, but most of mine love it and my friendliest chick is terrified of it! you can probably just bathe their tummys with water and get out most of the mud before towelling them dry, but ive just looked out the window and its pouring with rain AGAIN, so it looks like this is going to be a regular problem -.- i hate winter!!!

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I didn't mean to alarm you quinlin; it's just something to bear in mind if they have matted feathers. I am sure that it's just over zealous mud bathing on their part.


Have you thought about giving them a dust bath under the shelter of the run? Mine have an old enamelled washbowl under the run cover and it's filled with soil and wood ash. It keeps lovely and dry and they make good use of it in this wet weather.

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I've just checked (again) and they are both alot cleaner, but still not lovely and soft!!! Will attempt a bath if I feel it necessary in the next couple of days, but as likeastar says this may be an ongoing thing!


Claret, I'm really grateful of your advice (just hate creepy crawly things - am dreading the day my boys may come home with nits :anxious: ) but am aware its all part of the fun! They do have a bustbath in their run but the mud we used was a bit wet (my dh told me it would dry out... why do I listen to him :think: ) so I will be replacing that tomorrow!!!

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Mine are all a bit muddy. Pepper has a muddy tummy, Willow a muddy tail and Amber has a muddy head :roll: I am always surprised at how clean they stay considering their area is now a big soggy mud bath.


There are some lucky chickens out there having their feet cleaned and being bathed and hairdried :lol: I can't help thinking mine would be rather shocked if I put them in the bath - do they really not mind??? :?:anxious:

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I find that my white coloured girls always look grubby after they have been playing in the damp soil but they do preen themselves white (eventually). As its a bit cold and damp outside unless they are really caked I'd leave them for a bit and see what transpires. Unless of course they have some nasties on board.

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I have bathed and hairdried all of mine at one time or another they are not fazed at all by the hairdrier noise :shock: they simply adore being dried some of them treat it like sunbathing :lol: lie down, with legs and wings akimbo with there eyes shut. If they have a dirty bottom I always bring them in for a bottom wash & dry :lol:

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I have bathed and hairdried all of mine at one time or another they are not fazed at all by the hairdrier noise :shock: they simply adore being dried some of them treat it like sunbathing :lol: lie down, with legs and wings akimbo with there eyes shut. If they have a dirty bottom I always bring them in for a bottom wash & dry :lol:


:lol::lol: Crazy..... but cute!! :lol::lol:

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