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Remember a while back I posted about another chicken keeping forum, where I was called "Inhumane" for keeping my girls in an Eglu. I vowed I would never sign into the forum as the poeple on it are judgemental and just plain DAFT.

I've taken the liberty of postng a response one of the forum members left for another when they inquired about the Eglu. As you will note it is filled with lies and inaccuracies. I signed onto the forum just so I could pm the OP and directed her to OmletUK so she can get the truth.





"I've been given 2 eglu's that had worn out very quickly and been discarded. One got rehabbed as a broody shelter for a friend and the other one eventually got repaired and was given to a friend in the city who needed an extra place to put a picked on pullet. I had some thought of using them for myslef until one got blown all the way across my yard in a storm. I'm glad there weren't any birds inside.


They really aren't safe at all from any predators and are very crowded for the birds. My vote is thumbs down."


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I would refer this and the forum address to Omlet HQ.


Bloomin' cheek.


Shall we all join the forum and post our points of view? :D

In my previous post I suggested the same thing, all of us should join and crash their system, or at the very least express our thoughts. Anybody interested it is......

http://www.backyardchickens.com. Visit the "Message Board" section


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What nonsense :evil: . I'd love to know how two eglus "wore out" :shock: . And I would also love to have seen an eglu "blown all the way across the yard" :shock: . My run used to shift a couple of inches due to the lift provided by the shower curtain I had on it, but the eglu itself never shifted :? .


A friend of mine was speaking to a chicken breeder last week and mentioned that a friend of hers had an eglu. The (fairly elderly) breeder said eglus are no good - too hot in summer, too cold in winter. :roll::roll:


I'm sneaking over to that forum right now :twisted: .

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YEA!!!!!!! Egluntine has put them in their place. I invited the OP of the question to the friendly and informative OmletUK forum, where we welcome "chicken keepers without regard to their coop, and Eglu or otherwise." I also just posted a picture of Ouiser my top chook looking all stressed due to her "cramped" living quarters. NOT!!


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I posted a response as well... We had 80 MPH winds in Ohio recently causing massive damage that left Ohio without power for nearly a week and is still being cleaned up. My Eglu did not move a centimeter and was struck by falling tree limbs. The Eglu and my chickens remain unscathed. The ignorance of these kind of posts make it so that I don't participate on that forum very much. Which is a shame, because there are some very helpful chicken owners on that sight.



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I posted a response as well... We had 80 MPH winds in Ohio recently causing massive damage that left Ohio without power for nearly a week and is still being cleaned up. My Eglu did not move a centimeter and was struck by falling tree limbs. The Eglu and my chickens remain unscathed. The ignorance of these kind of posts make it so that I don't participate on that forum very much. Which is a shame, because their are some very helpful chicken owners on that sight.



I agree with Mark from Ohio....There are some really knowledgeable keepers on the forum in particular, I however choose NOT to contribute due to the hostility and judgemental attitude of a very large percentage of the members. Thank you all for posting on the BYC forum.........seems the tide has "shifted"

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Have done............And below is a copy of what I sent to Barbara.


Hi Barbara,




After posting on OmletUK some of the forum members thought I should refer this information to the folks at Omlet. I was a member of a local chicken forum here in the states, I no longer contribute to this particular forum because of the biased and judgemental forum members, especially in regards to the Eglu, I do however occasionally check the forum for ideas for local suppliers re., wormers, bedding, and feed. Recently I was on the forum and a new member asked about the Eglu and there were ALOT of false information shared in regards to their question. The members of the omlet forum have since joined the forum in question http://www.backyardchickens.com to give our unbiased and factual opinion. Below I share with you the original post and some of the responses.




Original question.


"I'm a newbie in the Phoenix suburbs with a husband who HATES the idea of chickens. He refuses to help build a coop, and I am not exactly skilled with tools. So I found this plastic prefabricated coop online, and it looks really neat...it looks a little like one of those colorful Mac computers.

Question: Is this cheating? Does anyone else have one? Sorry not to include a link but I'm not sure how. Just google Eglu. They seem to be very popular in England - I think keeping backyard chickens is more popular over there."




Response #1

Well lets see, the clips that hold the run together are now breaking, have to use the multi-use ties to keep the run together.


The door hinge is made of similar type material that broke on me this morning.


It doesn't move as easily as it show in the video it is pretty cumbersome. The cube with wheels is probably still going to have issues moving cause there are no wheels for the run part & like I said its pretty flimsy.



Response #2The coop portion isn't very big & they hang out in there in bad weather & if you get more the 3 standard chickens it really isn't enough room.






Response #3 As you can see filled with false information and lies.....


I've been given 2 eglu's that had worn out very quickly and been discarded. One got rehabbed as a broody shelter for a friend and the other one eventually got repaired and was given to a friend in the city who needed an extra place to put a picked on pullet. I had some thought of using them for mysle funtil one got blown all the way across my yard in a storm. I[m glad there weren't any birds inside.


They really aren't safe at all from any predators and are very crowded for the birds. My vote is thumbs down.



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