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Nearly the weekend!

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Weekend - yay!!!


We are going to the Shiplake Regatta tomorrow,where The Hubby is on a dongling team.

We all have a big picnic by the river & chill out,then theres fireworks later in the evening.I must pack the suncream,as its forecast to be hot again :D


Nothing to do on Sunday,which just suits me fine :lol:

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Mine will start at about 3pm although i have to admit not doing much at work today as I'm too excited about going to see chickens next week ('nother thread in the Chicken forum)


CTB is plodding along still re-fencing garden for forthcoming chooks - we actually got as far as getting the eglu out from the living room ( covered in cat hair) and set it up outside to see where it was going to go!


My last comment to OH before I came to work this morning was " dont forget to bring the eglu in if it starts to rain" :roll:


So hopefully by end of weekend will have run surround completed.


Have a good one Buffie

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Sounds like fun chaps!


We're off out for a meal tonight (Rosie is with her dad this w/end)


Tomorrow, we are going early to Stratford upon Avon farmers' market, then going down to London to meet up with some friends at Fruitstock (and see the Omlet stand of course).


Nothing planned for Sunday, but probably animal related and gardening...



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Saturday I must clean the Eglu, Rabbit hutch, bath 2 dogs and weed the back garden.


OH is working all weekend. Teenager Jack will be out with friends and Natalie is away all weeknd at a wedding.


Sunday morning I am having a lie in. Sunday afternoon/ evening I am at work. Got to make up Pimms and Lemonade in a 5 gallon urn :shock::D I am chief taste tester :wink:8)

Probably won't get home till 11pm.


Last day at work on Monday, then 2 weeks off :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Oh everyone have fun... :P:D we'll just be helping my mum and dad get ready for moving and some eglu cleaning and gardening no doubt. We had other plans but there move date changed so hey ho. I'm finishing my orange lolly and then going to finish my work, had a lovely walk and reasy for the final push :wink:


Have fun Clare 8)



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OH is on holiday today and all next week! :D

Today we walked along the Wansdyke for 6 miles, with Molly and had a light lunch at the pub. Now listening to the cricket. Heaven.

Next week we are walking and cycling with lots of food and alcohol in between. Bliss! Sunday is mucking out day if anyone's interested in coming to help......... :wink:

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Our weekend will start any minute now :D


It is Jake's birthday tomorrow but we are having a family curry tonight. They are just collecting it at the moment as the Curry House don't deliver this far :roll:


All the animals are fed and watered and only the fun bits left to do - like check on the chicks andtake corn and greens to the hens. Running around to tire Jazz out as well.


Farmers' Market tomorrow - should meet up with Clare :wink:


A sort of 'free' weekend for us - some Accounts to finish for clients but mostly Eglu cleaning - moving animals around - and trying to 'find the stream'

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My weekend started abouted 15 mins ago when i cracked open my first beer of the evening. :D

Off to swim my bear Poppy tomorrow, sort out the new wardrobes and then going to a wedding reception in the evening. Have text the groom & told him its the bride who should be late! :roll: (He's always late in to work!)


Sunday brings much sleep & some bear walking :D:D


Everyone sounds like they are having fun lets hope the sun shines on us!

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Tomorrow, we are going early to Stratford upon Avon farmers' market, then going down to London to meet up with some friends at Fruitstock (and see the Omlet stand of course).


Nothing planned for Sunday, but probably animal related and gardening...




Is anyone else going to Fruitstock? 8) We're going tomorrow and it would be nice to say hi to anyone else who might be there. :D:D

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Well, we missed Ginette :oops: , but had a fantastic time. The festival opened an hour late because they hadn't picke dup all the rubbish from the day before :roll: You'd have thought that they could have done that overnight. The toilets were overflowing and filthy too - I went as soon as we got there and wished that I'd used a bush or tree instead.


The Omlet stall was busy whenever I went over there, and I bought a pair of ladies Omlet pants - they are really nice, I will post a picture of them tomorrow as I don't think that they're on the shop.


We had some lovely organic burgers, Phil drank loads of beer and passe dout in the sun while I traipsed round all the stalls :D

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I kept my eyes open for you Clare, but really there were SO many people there, it's not surprising we didn't meet up. Shame though!


I trawled the stalls and enjoyed the farmer's market and especially the Herbs stall next to Omlet. I didn't buy anything because I didn't want to carry it home, but we saw someone on the tube with a Castor Oil Tree!


Esther won one of the hourly raffles :D and she was the only person to have collected her prize! :) She won a 30 minute massage :shock: with Triyoga. Unfortunately it was announced too late and by the time we'd walked across to collect it and then to the other side of the arena to find the massage place, the slot had gone and they were fully booked. Instead they are sending her a voucher to redeem at their place in Primrose Hill :shock: Sounds like a trek to me!


It was a great atmosphere though and we had a good time. I was sad to miss the London Community Gospel Choir, but we had to go. As it was we didn't get home till 8:30pm, then we had to have dinner and poor DS (8 )has just gone to bed. I'm longing to go to bed too - absolutely shattered!

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