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What do you do for lunch when working?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you do for lunch when working?

    • Buy it
    • Take a packed lunch
    • Buy it from a canteen

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How many of you buy lunch at work, instead of making it at home and taking it with you?


We kept getting fed up with Mum as she kept buying lunch 3 days a week, now I make her sandwiches for her whilst making mine.


I think we all should make our own sandwiches and take them with us, it would save us money and there would be less packaging too-if you wrap them in foil you can recycle it.

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All four of us have packed lunches, which sometimes drives me mad having to do them every day, but at least I know what we are eating and there isn't a huge pile of packaging to go in the landfill :evil:


I hate shop bought sandwiches, you might as well eat the plastic containers they come in

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:D What a great question, Liz. Nowadays, I always take a packed lunch, which is very often leftovers of some description, and fruit, all thrown in together, but I love it.

Oh, and one son is a cafe manager and sometimes brings me an out of date sandwich. Yum! (It's free & the fillings are good).

However, about once a month, if the cupboard is bare, or I crave something hot, I buy a hot pasty...mmmm...it's a treat.

When I started work but still lived with parents, I was lucky to be able to buy hot cheese/onion flan or other fresh food from a baker's opposite (including cakes!), about 2 or 3 times a week. Home made sandwiches in our house were very bland in those days. :)

PS.....Oooh, I'd love to have canteen lunch, but have never worked anywhere with one!

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I used to have lunch in the canteen at work but their idea of vegetarian food was cauliflower cheese every day of the week and i hate it! :evil:


I now take a lunch box full of peppers, carrots, celery, cucumber and tomatoes. This way as least i know i have had my 5-a-day! :D:D

Added bonus to this is that i can eat them in class if its been a hectic day!

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My boys have a packed lunch so I know what they're eating but LSH always buys a cooked dinner at the work canteen which means the lucky so and so has two cooked meals a day :roll: !


My children have a packed lunch most days, but if the evening is hectic and we are all out (like every Wednesday) they have a school dinner.


Clearly I don't look after my OH as well as Kate does! He doesn't get home until 7:30pm after the rest of us have finished eating. I found I was cooking/washing up all evening and it was a real pain. Also, there seemed to be no evening left at all once he had finished his meal. So he now takes last night's dinner to work and heats it up in the microwave. Then all he needs in the evening is a quick sandwich. This seems to work very well for him and me. :D

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Many years ago I worked out how much it would cost to buy lunch and drinks each day, over the course of a year it was in excess of £500 and that was a long time ago :shock:


I take sandwiches, fruit, milk for my cups of tea, and half a litre of ready diluted cordial (Rocks organic). I watch colleagues spend in excess of £4 a day (minimum of £900 per year) on foodstuffs and it really annoys me, both the waste of money and the packaging thrown out.


Great topic :D

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I get my lunch for free :D at work.


I work in a boarding school kitchen and the food is very, very good. Too much choice really :D


OH and Daughter have a packed lunch, Son takes money to school with him and buys his food from the CO-OP :roll: The queues for lunches at his school are too long he tells me :? and no one takes a packed lunch :?


Either myself or OH cooks in the evening, so I have 2 cooked meals a day. Oh and somethimes a cooked breakfast, cakes, biscuits, gateaux, Danish pastries, mousses at work :lol:


BTW I haven't voted because my meals are free.

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I can't vote for two options!


I would like to try and take a packed lunch to work every day but 3 days a week I am up at 4:50 - can't stomach making food that early in the morning :vom: and I don't like sandwiches unless they are freshly made....a problem from my youth when my mum, bless her, made us cheese and tomato sw's and they went splodgy and yuck :vom: !


If I haven't had time on a late shift I call in to Cribbs Causeway :anxious: and run into Soho for a baguette and a latte (which has twice covered my white shirt in coffee as I leave the motorway :evil: )


and should I be really naughty then I have to go for whatever soggy and vile remains are left at a shop in the Airport Terminal - Terminal food usually leaving my wallet with a dwindling balance! (although i do try and blag discounts as I work there :wink: !)

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For the three days a week that I work, I take in packed lunches and also make a packed lunch for DS at school. DD gets a cooked lunch included in her Nursery fees, but she'll have a packed lunch too once she starts school. OH gets a sandwich from the Italian deli near his office :shock:


Very occasionally when I am feeling lazy I don't make myuself a packed lunch, but then I find myself standing in Pret thinking none of it looks as good as my home-made and how can I possibly justify spending £5+ on something I could do better myself?? :think:


Mind you... I do buy myself two tall americanos from Starbucks on each of my days at work. I can't be doing without a nice cup of coffee twice a day :whistle::wink:


Tomorrow its egg mayo sandwiches courtesy of Betsy & Maud, with home made bread rolls,cruunchy chopped veg from the veg box and home made plum cake made from the neighbours plums. Can't get much more wholesome and virtuous than that! :angel:8)


Cookie. xx

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But I love breakfast time. I'm very slow and like to read the whole newspaper and not talk to anyone!


My favourite breakfast is chopped up apple, linseeds and soya yoghurt all mixed together. Really refreshing and energising. :D Today I had a mango, orange and strawberry smoothie with toast.


I wonder if the time of your evening meal has a bearing on this? I eat by 6pm usually and then don't have anything else before bed. Consequently 12 hours or more later, I need nourishment.

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I wonder if the time of your evening meal has a bearing on this? I eat by 6pm usually and then don't have anything else before bed. Consequently 12 hours or more later, I need nourishment.


Ginette, I agree with your thinking, I have to have breakfast even if I get up a 4am. My usual breakfast time is 6am and I cannot leave the house without food in my stomach. I have my evening meal by 6pm as well, and try not to eat anything else before bed time.

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Now that I am trying to lose weight I am eating breakfast (either ceral or toast) - other wise I go into work and straight to whatever biscuits / cakes are there :oops: My main problem is that if I eat at 5am when I get up I am ready for my lunch about 11am and as I dont get home till 6 / 7 and dont eat until about 7.30 I feel like I am falling over! (so go straight to the peanut jar / crisps / cheese :oops: )

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I think the latest thinking is 5 meals a day, so perhaps you could build in some healthy snacks between meals? Dried apricots, several satsumas, slice of toast, nuts, bananas, houmous and crudités, Innocent smoothie - I'm sure you can think of something! Find good ways of avoiding those danger zones!

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