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A chickychickychick-ENN!!

Chickens banned

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this is what I got, is it the same as yours?


Dear -------


Subject: Complaint 19325 - The Gateshead Housing Company - South


Thank you for your complaint received on 9 March 2009. This has been forwarded to John Meldrum, Senior Neighbourhood Relations Officer.


John will look into your complaint and send you a written response within 20 working days. If this is not possible you will be told why and be given a date when you will receive the full response.


If you have any questions about this letter, please contact John on telephone number 0191 433 5312, or by e-mail at johnmeldrum@gatesheadhousing.co.uk.


Yours sincerely,

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and I got this from Dave Anderson, the MP as I asked him to let the couple know about all the support they have....


I will ensure this-and the many others- are sent onto Mr and Mrs Lewis and the housing Company.




Dave Anderson, MP for Blaydon


I love the "many others" comment, way to go people! :D

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Excellent stuff! I got a standard reply too - let's hope it has the desired outcome.



Subject: Complaint 19322 - The Gateshead Housing Company - South


Thank you for your complaint received on 9 March 2009. This has been forwarded to John Meldrum, Senior Neighbourhood Relations Officer.


John will look into your complaint and send you a written response within 20 working days. If this is not possible you will be told why and be given a date when you will receive the full response.


If you have any questions about this letter, please contact John on telephone number 0191 433 5312, or by e-mail at johnmeldrum@gatesheadhousing.co.uk.


Yours sincerely,





Debra Buckton

Customer Relationship Officer

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I have been banned by the people in charge of the forum at http://www.poultrychat.com/


All I did was ask people to join the facebook group and sign the petition and have had my post removed and been banned. I have been told they resent me joining the forum to use it for my "own ends"! So much for chicken lovers unite eh!?



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:shock: No. They must think you are the old couple. I am amazed you are not asking for support for a commercial enterprise but an act of humanity. What a shame but perhaps they are more farmers who turn their nose up at people who keep chickens in their garden as a hobby. :?
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I mailed them to ask why they banned me and to advise them I have nothing personally to gain from this but they've read my mail and not had the courtesy to respind :roll: What a shame!


Anyway, Practical Poultry have allowed me to post a thread and Ruth from Home Farmer is going to see if this can be included in their next newsletter so that's all good stuff :D:clap:

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Ive just heard this story and ive signed the petition but im shocked that this could happen who wouldnt want to support self-suffiniency? and its only 2 chickens id be a bit more understanding if it was lik 15-20 or something but 2!! im just gob-smacked what has the world come to when you cant have 2 chickens and they dont even make that much noise most of the time. Im just amazed at the stupidity. :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::notalk::notalk: i cant wait to see what happens now sure it can only be positive with all the support they've got from everyone!

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I've just had a phone call from The Evening Chronicle in Gateshead! :D


He wanted to know where I'd seen the story and how I was involved, where in the country I was and what I was doing re the facebook group etc. He's going to have a look at the group and run with the story! He said he'd get back to me :D

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I hope so, I'm fed up of people worrying about by-laws in relation to keeping chickens, as I'm sure you all are.


Keep asking your friends to sign the petition and join the FB group :D

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I buy all my chicken supplies from an agricultural feed merchants. I was thinking of asking them if I could put a sign on their noticeboard and print off a few small flyers to leave by their till and ask them (if they remember) to pop one in people's bags.


You could do pet shops and vets' surgeries too and farmers markets!


I could do with some suggestions on wording for the flyers. They will obviously include the petition link but need to be concise and to the point.


Any suggestions as to what to put AND, will you do the same please?

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I'll just copy this post from Motherhen into this topic to keep things up to date...


  motherhen said:
Hi guys

We've got a very sad situation up here in the north east. An elderly couple in Gateshead who grow their own food and keep bees and 2 hens are being threatened with eviction unless they get rid of their hens - they are refusing to give up their hens.



Anyway, there is a Downing Street Petition to abolish by-laws which prohibit people from keeping hens in their gardens (it does exclude cockerals!)

If any of you would like to sign you can find it at



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In the news today!!!!! :D


The reporter that wrote the original story has been in touch with me recently and he's followed up the story today here




Some of you who have posted on the group wall have been quoted! :0)


I'm currently trying to get an update from Dave Anderson, MP, as to the progress of the case as The Housing Assoc won't release any details to me.


As soon as I know, I'll let you all know.

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Hi Guys

Well I should have guessed that you lot would have picked up on our local Gateshead horror story already - thanks Kate for moving my little post to this thread of concerned and extremely active citizens.


You have all, and especially Poet, been amazing. I have of course signed the petition. I rang the MP's office before I found out you had already done that sort of thing. Anyway, latest update is that they can't find anyone who has made a complaint, although the council insist that the reason for the threatened eviction is that complaints have been made. Since I'm on the doorstep I'll see if I can get an appointment to see someone in the relevant council department.


Interestingly, when I rang our council (Newcastle) before starting my website and publicising that I had hens in central Jesmond all the relevant departments (environment health, planning etc) came up with the same message that the small number of hens I was talking about would be regarded by them as pets and not livestock.


If anyone else has any ideas about campaigning and needs a local person to do something then just contact me. I've already got a caution for a protest years ago, so it wouldn't be as bad for me to get arrested again as someone with a clean sheet (I have to get a special visa if I want to visit USA!) I'm thinking about perhaps going to the council offices with a poster saying TWO HENS ARE PETS NOT LIVESTOCK.


Anyway, keep up all the good work letter writing, emailing, telephoning etc - the other thing I heard in the phone call to the MP's office this morning is that the council seems unaware of the strength of feeling and didn't realise it was being covered in the media.

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