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Bunee's Good News!

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OOOOO brilliant, These are great, i'm so :D I'd be even happier if i did'nt feel :vom: just found out i'm pregnant so i'm :pray: that the :vom: ness won't last long...the other half thinks he's 8) he's doing this :dance: round the kitchen :roll: ......


Sorry if i used more thean my daily quota of emoticons :wink:



it's OK - there's a sub-clause in the Forum small-print that allows an extra quota for people who are pregnant as long as other people cut down a bit...







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Thanks Kate...I did'nt have any with my first and an easy birth etc so i think i'm paying for it this time....I'm just popping over the road to find out where the pressure points for nausea are


..it's a little soft spot at the back of the throat...




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Brilliant news Bunnee.... so exciting to know that there's another forum baby on the way :dance: I hope that the nausea passes quickly and that the pregnancy is easy :D:D


I love the new emoticons, well done to Graham for finding them. The only problem is that these moving ones make the old smiley face and co quite boring by comparison :clap::clap::clap::dance:

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