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DD has been pecked in the eye

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My DD was sat on the bench in the garden this morning with a chicken on her lap and it pecked her in the eye.


It has left a small patch of blood on the white bit of her eye. She was very brave (she is only 7). I rang the out of hours doctor and they said it should be fine but to look out for any infection.


I can only think the chicken saw a glint in her eye and went for it as they do shiny things. The chicken is normally very tame and docile and is used to being handled. My DD said it was just sat on her lap she wasn’t holding it too tight or putting her face near the chickens face.


It hasn’t put her off and was out this afternoon with the same chicken on her lap but with her hand over her eyes.

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oh bless her! One of my bantams bit my lip the other day and I've been caught in the face a few times by wing tips. Never been pecked in the eye though. Poor girl, I'm sure it wasn't an act of agression though, chickens just aren't that way inclined :)

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Brave and understanding girl.


Give her a cuddle from us.


My boys are very sweet and forgiving when they receive accidental injuries from our pets (I just wish they were as understanding with each other as they are with chooks, pup, cats, wee ratties and 'vampire' lovebirds!)

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Well done that DD for not getting put off or blaming the chook :clap:


Daisy pecked my eye when she'd been here a couple of weeks, but the blink reflex meant she mainly got eyelid - bled a bit and looked bad enough to get me sympathy but no real harm done. I put it down to her being a nosey ex-batt who'd never had much contact with humans and just wanted to look closely at one - pity a hen's eyes are behind her beak! :lol:

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She seems fine today, her eye doesn’t look infected yet so fingers crossed.


She was out in the garden again today and really enjoys the chickens.


We have let the ex-bats out the last couple of evenings and its great fun watching the first free ranging. One of them even found a worm tonight.

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One of my Orpies pecked a lump out of my lip when she first arrived, I remember thinking "that's my blood on her beak...thank goodness it wasn't my eye!"


Glad your DD is recovering & hasn't been put off, they are so resilient some children aren't they? Our two have been hurt (unintentionally) by the dogs in the past & just get up & get on with it.


Sha x

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