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how can I tell if an egg is fertile and developing ?(update)

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just weighed them today and 2 have dropped by 5 grams the third by 4 grams after 12 days


not sure if this is good news or not ? :?


tried candling them with my feeble LED torch and couldn't tell if anything is growing inside

if anyone near me has a proper candling torch, and would lend it to me for a couple of hours, I'd be very grateful :)



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sorry for some reason it wont play,did your last lot hatch :?:


it's an avi file, should play with windows media player


yes, 2 out of 3 hatched, which was pure fluke as the person who gave us the eggs wasn't sure if they were even fertile


here's hoping at least one hatches AND it's not a cockeral this time

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I have an LED candler from Solway feeders so could see inside my Marans eggs.....could see in them with my Brinsea candler too but the eggs got very hot. Even if you can't see the veins or the chick moving......or an eye staring through the shell which is amazing......you should be able to see about 3/4 of the egg as a dark mass and the top end 1/4 (or blunt end) light and transparent. At day 19/20 you can sometimes see a little pointy beak going into the air sac.

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