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Back to scool Nits,colds and worms eeewwwww

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Not one full week back at school and my daughter is a sniveling ,dripping ,itching mess !!!!


I expceted the cold as i knew it was floating about and she picks then up in an instant....but the nits already and then the worms i've had it ,I have banned finger nails longer than 2mm and they are to be scrubbed as soon as we get home....


Am i the only one getting wound up over this?

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Ben came home with nits before the holidays :x


If you go on the Nitty Gritty website there is a letter you can print off to take to the doctors. It's for a prescription for a Nitty Gritty comb. Its free with the prescription, or £10 to buy.


It's apparently the best one to get as the metal prongs are long - its got loads of recommendations.


We got rid of them in a flash with it. Can highly recommend it.

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My boys had an outbreak of nits during the holidays - one of their friends mum phoned to tell me her son had 'visitors' as she called them, and a quick check showed that the boys had them too.


A swift haircut, thanks to dads clippers, and a comb through with a nit comb, soon saw them off, but they are a pain.

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I am with you on that one,Clare.

We have had a Nitty Gritty for a couple of years & it makes life much much easier.


that coupled with Tisserands head lice oil is a pretty good combination,I would say :D

The oil (which you put on & comb out after 30 mins) is fab because you can see the critters coming out,unlike with gunky old conditioner.

Its aromatherapy based,& they hate the smell.

Last time I used it ,after the 30 mins there were lice on top of the hair,trying to get away from the oil ....brilliant stuff :P

One treatment is always anough :P:P


All this talk of nits is making my head itch :lol:

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Me too Sarah! Don't start me on the nit subject :twisted: I get so wound up about it, and there's always one little angel in any class, whose parents can't be bothered to check their heads and comb regularly :roll: I check Rosie's once a week, thankfully she has been clear in the hols.


Worms! Have you tried Ovex Hannah? Not especially cheap, but effective; Rosie is pretty good at telling me when she's itchy and needs dosing. Honestly! It's worse than the cats and chooks :roll:

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That's a really good idea - I'm always worried that caity picks some up, as she has such long hair - it'd be a nightmare trying to get thm out of her hair. I may give her piggy tails a squirt in the morning before she goes to nursery!

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Don't talk to me about nits! My daughter seemed to have them solid for a year. I'd get rid of them and low and behold a week later they were back. Luckily she hasn't had them for a while. Just the thought makes me itch :!:

Someone told me tea tree shampoo helps to prevent them.


I have had the same problem :evil: Its such a battle. I always make sure my eldest has her hair up for school :roll: I dont think we have ever had worms :shock: What do I look out for?

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Esme is the same, we all have a cold thanks to the new school year. :(


She started school this year and as she is only just 4 she goes on the morning and I take her home at lunchtime. The first day she stood at the double doors with the sadest face you ever saw, the parent round me titterd. I nelt down and called her over as eyes followed he, I asked her what was wrong and she said she wanted to say and didn't want to go home! THe laughs that got! :lol:


All I want is for her to miss me a little bit :roll:

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Aaaargh, please don't talk about nits :shock: . We've suffered in the past with them. Imy has long-ish hair, and refuses to have it shorter, and I think it was year 2 when she sat next to a child who's parents refused to treat her for headlice :evil: . I battled all year with wet-combing, tea-tree oil and twice weekly nit checks to keep her clear. It was a nightmare :evil:

Fortunately we've not had any major problems since.... but I still check her regularly.

Worms.... not a regular feature fortunately, but not as easy to check for :shock: , so I've always asked about itchy bottoms.... I think the children think I'm obsessed :shock:

Apparently you can check by sticking sellotape to their bottoms overnight- that isa fact, something Drs occasionally recommend, because you can check the sellotape for eggs in the morning. I've never gone to those lengths though :shock: .

Oh, no, even thinking about these things has got me feeling itchy again.......Yeeuch :x

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Apparently you can check by sticking sellotape to their bottoms overnight- that isa fact, something Drs occasionally recommend, because you can check the sellotape for eggs in the morning.


That sounds horrible :?

Can you imagine sleeping with a sellotaped bum all night :?:?:lol:


Kate - do try the Tisserand oil - we had huge problem with nits but this stuff got rid of them right away,& they didn't come back with regular Nitty Gritty combing either :P

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In Australia, if a child has headlice, they are excluded from school until they have been cleared - brilliant! If parents thought that they'd have to take time off work to have their children at home, they might be a bit more careful about checking their hair :twisted::roll:


That happened to my friend with her son.

She called the School in the morning to say that he wouldn't be in until she had treated him,probably an hour or so, & they said to keep him off for the rest of the day to make sure.


It enrages me that some people just send their children in.


When Devon was at Primary School,she had headlice time after time,& another Mum said to me "Oh,we have it constantly & have given up trying to even deal with it"

You could see eggs in her girls hair,when it was tied back,all along the hair line :shock:


I actually went to the School about it - well, it's not fair on the rest of us, is it?

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You used to be excluded from school up here, and the class were given a letter home advising that their was an infected child in their class, until you could prove that you had been succesfully treated, however, a parent complained, and now the policy is that the infected child is NOT excluded and no-one else is informed (unless you have a responsable parent who takes it upon themselves to phone around their childs friends to let them know).


No nit nurse any more, so no checks done on some children ever, so my my boys have to go around with a US marine haircut in order to lessen their risk of catching the beasties.


Remember the overwhelming urge to scratch while standing in the queue for the nit nurse?



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When Devon was at Primary School,she had headlice time after time,& another Mum said to me "Oh,we have it constantly & have given up trying to even deal with it"

You could see eggs in her girls hair,when it was tied back,all along the hair line :shock:


I actually went to the School about it - well, it's not fair on the rest of us, is it?[/color]


I had exactly the same experience - I was so exasperated that I calmly explained to the mother concerned what I thought about her policy. She F'ed etc back at me (charming!) so as she wasn't prepared to do anything about it, I told her I would be speaking to the head teacher and the education authority.... that sorted her out! :twisted:

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