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Tears before (chicken) bedtime. Will Bunty live?

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Having a sit down at the computer as I'm totally stressed out. Was making the final outside preparations for the coming week having cleaned out the chooks earlier. We have never let our dogs and chooks interact as I wasn't sure what would happen. Today I found out, somehow Bunty got into the dogs area of garden and the dogs got to her before I did and obviously decided she was 'prey', well two of them anyway, to be fair the third backed off when I told her.

Did full on rugby tackle and managed to get them to the ground but Bunty was stressed and didn't seem to know what to do, tried going through the fence. Fearing she was about to get stuck in the fence and die of stress, I moved to try and get the dogs into the house but one broke free and got to her again before I could get them inside.

I have checked her out as best I can - she has lost a generous handful of feathers but no sign of an open wound or any blood. At first I though she had a big swelling on her chest but I'm now thinking it is probably just her crop :?:oops: I have seen her drink, eat and even have some grit but she does seem a little subdued. Are chickens susceptable to die of shock? I just hope she is ok after a good nights sleep!

Had to have a bit of a cry afterwards, think I'm a bit in shock too! :roll:

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Oh dear :( At least there's no open wounds. Not had experience of chicken die of shock no idea really. Hopefully she will be ok, if she's eating and drinking etc. Fingers crossed for you. Another omleteer will be along in a mo who may have more experience in this kind of thing. Hugs for you anyway :) It's not your fault.

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I would keep her indoors overnight, in a box on a comfortably warm hot water bottle, to help her get over the trauma. They can become shocked, so try to encourage her to drink if she seems reluctant.


Many swear by a few drops of Backs Rescue Remedy in her water.


You have learned the hard way that dogs and chickens don't always mix. With some training the dogs might learn to ignore the chickens.

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Thanks for your swift responses and the advice.

Managed to find some rescue remedy in the bathroom so I have been out to give her some. She actually seems ok now, acted normally when I went out she hopped down off her perch in the run and came over so I am hopeful. I will feel a lot better if she still seems well in the morning though.

I'll give you an update tomorrow. Fingers crossed and a large vodka (for me) I think!

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How awful for you and Bunty, I do hope that she is better this morning although it sounded as if she was coping well yesterday evening.


I think this just reinforces how careful I must make sure that I am with my chickens and dogs :( Accidents like this are very easy to happen so you musn't blame yourself. I must get myself some Rescue Remedy it sounds like it is a very useful thing to have in stock for all sorts of situations.



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Thanks for all your kind posts. After a night of tossing and turning I rushed out this morning to see Bunty getting stuck in at the grub.


She seems none the worse for her ordeal - even laid a perfectly normal looking egg and everything 8)


So relieved that she is ok, makes you realise just how attached you have become!

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One of my neighbours with chickens gives hers a dash of brandy if they get ill to liven them up? Dont know if anyone has tried that one?

Glad she survived...I am sure my spaniel would have done exactly the same... & then to get eaten by the glug!

Poor chicken


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