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Advice needed on my sick chicken

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Hi there


I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I have with one of my chickens.

I have only been keeping them for 5 months and they are all lovely and healthy until this morning. I went down to the pen and flumpy who is normally a bit broody and quiet was laid on her side with her eyes closed and not moving. One of my other naughty little chickens was ripping the feathers out of her back end as well. I picked her up and examined her and there was no blood and no apparent injuries to her so I have moved her to another pen on her own.

All morning all she has done is sleep since this happened and not move at all really. She is ok an she is now standing up but she is tucking her head under her wing and will not do anything at all. She will move if you touch her but it has to be a firm touch. At 8am this morning she was fine when she was let out so I dont know what could have happened to her.


Can anyone help??? any suggestions?



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I'd take her to a vet as, from your description, she sounds very sick indeed.


Bring her in in a pet carrier if you can and keep her warm (but not too warm) and quiet and see if she'll drink something but she does need to see a vet.



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hi there


she has perked up a bit and she is now eating but will not drink so have helped her with the drinking bit and she is starting to do both by herself now and I cannot take her to a vets near me as there isnt one that deals with chickens??? have booked her in with one but will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon when I have transport to get me to the nearest!!!! which is over 15 miles away and they wont come out for one only a flock???



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hi there


no i dont think so but i still have another 8 and they are all fine and well just hope i dont have to go through this again any time soon as i am devestated!!!! my six year old is handeling it better than i am :lol:



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