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Martin B

I'm selling my eglu (Very Sad)

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Martin - maybe a Mod can help here.. I wonder if you are giving away more info than I'd be happy with my kids giving out on the net..


I now now your first name and surname and what town you live in... It wouldn't take long to find your address and telephone number...


better safe than sorry,



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I really don't have an opinion either way - but I would with my own children..


It's up to Martin and his parents how much info they want him to display on the web. Schools are usualy quite hot on warning pupils not to put any traceable info on there.


Martin gives it away a bit in his blog title - his full name is the title of his blog which is then his blog address...

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Martin.. a cautionary tale.


A couple of teenagers who were/are firends of my neighbours son were suspended from school for selling sweets/snacks on to their friends.


They were doing it to make money, obviously, but they were fed up with the queues at the school tuck shop, realised that everyone else was, and decided to go into business.


They were taking business away from the school shop, and I think this is the crux of the matter. Anyway the whole thing got quite messy, so all I'm saying is...be careful.

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or fleecing your fellow pupils... :wink:


actually schools often ban this kind of thing for perfectly reasonable reasons.. it so often leads to disputes about one pupil ripping off another.. most things with money changing hands amongst pupils are a recipe for trouble, and should be avoided...



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I now realise what a great idea Recycled hens is! I'm still doing it even though I have enough money for an eglu now as it's always nice to have the extra money and plus I'm going to give 10% of every sale to the BHWT!


that wasn't an advert for your site was it??? :wink:



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