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Chicks in the garden

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Hi all,


We've had our 2 girls since last Sunday. They were 18 weeks when we bought them - so no eggs yet. We were advised to keep them in the run for about 6 - 8 weeks before we let them roam in the garden. What do you think about that? They seem quite nervous still and I wonder if letting them roam would help them to settle and feel more confident.

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Gosh that does seem a long time to keep them inside the run.


I was told to keep them in for 5 days (mine were also 18 weeks when I got them). After this time they got used to the idea that the run was a safety zone to go back to if they were out and got scared.


Sometimes now if they're out in the garden and they hear a strange noise they'll scoot back to the run.


I'm sure others will be along soon far more knowledgable than I to offer you some advice.


Happy chook keeping :lol:

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I kept my original chickens in for 5 days and they were fine once let out.


I kept my new 2 in for about 2 days and then let them out, they were fine though maybe copied original chicken in going back to the eglu.


If they go into the eglu at night and your garden is secure - let them out! As Laura says 6-8 weeks is way to long!

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Thanks everyone for your advice. Betty and Bella have spent lots of time exploring the garden this weekend, but due to dark nights now :( they won't be able to explore again until next weekend. We clipped just one wing on each of them and they've stayed safely in the garden.

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We have just bought our eglu and chiks 6 mths old. They have been in the run for a week and we plan to let them out this evening for a short while. They were out at their previous home. We have woods adjoining the garden and I am concerned about their return. They seem desperate to get out. Any tips??

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We were advised to introduce our chicks through the eggport and to leave them in for about an hour before letting them into the run. We did this and also kept the girls confined to their run for a week. Now if they're in the garden at dusk they just put themselves to bed! They seem to appreciate the cosy, safe eglu!

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I never bothered clipping Mavis or Ednas wings and although they are relatively light breeds they have never tried to get out of the garden in the last 18 months despite there being areas where I am sure they could get out with a concerted effort.


Today is Doris and Ritas' third day in the run and so far I have kept Mavis in with them to maintain the balance of power. Mavis is keen to get out and do her usual freeranging routine under the hedges. I can't quite remember how long I left Mavis and Edna in the run before letting them out to freerange - I have a feeling I couldn't wait a whole week. Mavis and Edna have always been very good at taking themselves off to bed so I am hoping the new girls will learn from Mavis and be just as good.


I think I will let them out on Thursday or Friday. I don't like to speak too soon but so far they are all still getting on very well 8)

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