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Martin B

New Half Term

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:) Yes, I was the same when Esther went back on Monday after one week. But, a dilapidated building on the site was set alight at the w/e and needs to be removed....very, very carefully and with the adjacent school shut down. So 3 days off from tomorrow (presumably Asbestos) hurray!!!
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I have to admit that teachers earn my total respect, anyone who can control a class of 30 (or thereabouts), instil some knowledge into them, and hopefully inspire and motivate them to actually achieving something is worth their weight in gold :wink::D:D

A good teacher is worth 10 Rooneys, Beckhams or whoever in my opinion, ultimately they are giving far, far more to society and the future of this country than any over-paid footballer you may care to mention :D

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