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Well we dared to let them out of the run today for the first time! I got quite worried about this - would they fly away? ( :roll: ), would I be able to get them back in their run? etc. Well, they had a lovely time, Florrie & Pom were first out and had a great time exploring and nibbling everything they could reach! Bella was out next, the lone ranger, exploring on her own. Fizz made the most of their absence and came out of the eglu to have a good feed and scratch around in the leaves in the run - which is a relief as I was getting a bit worried about her hiding away in there.


Here they are enjoying themselves eating my red hot poker plant!



When it came time to put them away, Daniel carried the sweetcorn out. He was mobbed instantly! Unfortunately, they also mobbed Matthew (age 2) who walked out carrying a piece of battered cod - is battered cod OK for chickens? :? Rescued the cod and threw the corn into the run and in they all charged! :shock: Easy peasy! All 4 had a scratch around in the leaves again, then an early night. All snoring quietly now.


All chickens out, not quite together, but at least doing chickeny things (Fizz is still in the run, and you can just see Bella at the side of the eglu!)



Whew - free range chooks at last! :D:D:D

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Oh Snowy your hens look absolutely wonderful - such beautiful feathers and in such great condition too. :D


I cant wait for my girls to look like that - they are still sprouting new feathers and look like hedgehogs at the minute! :lol:


Glad all went well with their first 'free range' - not got the courage to do it with mine yet!!! :?:?

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Thanks Emma - it was a bit nerve wracking! But did it out of necessity really - poor Fizz wasn't coming out of the eglu at all, I've been feeding her through the egg port. Thought that if the others were out of the way, she might venture out - which she did! And they were all reasonably nice to her when they got back after their little jaunt! :roll:

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Did they get to come outside today too?


Hee hee - yes! today was a work day (I don't have many) so thought they would be confined to barracks with hubby on duty. But he said to let them out! When I got home he was almost enthusiastic about how easy they had been to put away again. He'd even been out to shut the eglu door when they went to bed!

Almost a result (but he'll be happier still when they start laying! :roll: )


Oh, and he said one of them nicked the baby's dummy!! :shock:

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Oh, and he said one of them nicked the baby's dummy!! :shock:


Yup, my girl, Star, single-handedly rid Caitlin of her dummy habit, by nicking the dummy every time Caitlin ventured into the garden!



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Oh, and he said one of them nicked the baby's dummy!! :shock:


Yup, my girl, Star, single-handedly rid Caitlin of her dummy habit, by nicking the dummy every time Caitlin ventured into the garden!




They are soooo funny :lol: I wonder what it is that attracts them to the dummy? :?

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