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Oh, Dear...

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I'm having the same realisation too, and to make matters worse (or it could be better) we are going away the week after next, and come back on the 24th. We have both sets of parents here on christmas day and I think I've just about convinced them to each bring something with them for us to eat...like a Turkey and some veggies for example :wink:

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I'm using the excuse that the preparations for Christmas in our house don't start until the 15th December for the lack of organisation so far! The cards are in their envelopes but no stamps bought yet. The tree and decorations will go up on the 15th and no earlier as I just can't get my head round Christmas being so near yet!! You're not alone Liz - not by any means!

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Kate - you're so good at being organised AND you make all your own cards! I was thankful this year that we bought all ours in last years sale, so that was one less job to do. Still haven't written them though....might be a job for tonight while we watch some trashy TV!

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I'm fighting a losing battle :( - I keep mislaying things - or they're at the other house - and when I catch up with one thing then I lose something I had just 5 mins before :roll::evil:


The bed is still covered with presents that i laid out this morning - the good thing is that I have very little left to buy.


now - if I could just get wrapping paper and gift tags in the same place, at the same time............ :roll: ............ I know I bought gift tags.......... :?:evil::roll:

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We have both sets of parents here on christmas day and I think I've just about convinced them to each bring something with them for us to eat...like a Turkey and some veggies for example :wink:

I know someone who was asked that! She was so pleased not to be doing it all herself for once and kindly asked if there was anything she could bring. Her SIL said 'Could you bring the turkey, ready-cooked and hot?' :shock::shock: She wasn't joking either!

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I've got the pressies and the wrapping paper, they're just still in the cupboard and have yet to be properly introduced.


I have the cards - bought in last years' sale. Not yet written or anything :roll:


I know what I'm having for Christmas lunch, just got to buy it nearer the time.


Not thought about a Chriatmas tree yet :roll: But then Phil did offer to get it as he has more time than i do. But we might not have anywhere to put it beacuse if the builders' mess.


Might now also have PHil's lovely sister for Christmas day as she's just chucked out her feckless OH


MUST go to bed - got to be up at 5am to go to Jimmy's!!!!

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Well done Mel:

Do you want to come and wrap mine? I hate doing it!


People are going to think we've gone mad this year, as I'm not subscribing to glittery paper that cannot be recycled: Everything is being wrapped in parcel paper with brown ribbons and bows. Cheaper too!

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I hate it too!

I got Paul to wrap three large tins of chocolates as I find those round tins IMPOSSIBLE - you would have thought I was asking for the world! (until I pointed out that I bought all the presents, wrapped all but the chocolates and bought, wrote and posted the cards :roll:

One of my friends is really artistic and she wraps up her presents in brown paper, rafia and uses home dried orange / lemons / apples. I tried it last year and the presents just looked like parcel bombs :roll:

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Not done a thing yet :? Off to London on Tuesday for work - back on Thursday then there'll be no stopping me - I LOVE christmas. I'm hoping hubby will agree to putting a very simple set of white light along the eave of the roof this year because it will make our village have a nice cosy christmas atmosphere - he has said no every year so far but I think he's mellowing since we married and I'm hoping he'll do it while I'm in London.


Most of my family are getting chicken doorstops this year or else hanging lavender filled minatures of same :wink: I am going to have a production line going next weekend :D

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